高二: 语文 数学 英语 物理 化学 生物 历史 政治 地理 









(注)①长勤:长期劳作。②耒(lěi):型柄, 这里泛指农具。③怀新:指麦苗生意盎然。④问津:指孔子让子路向两位隐士长沮、桀溺问路的典故。

  1. (1) 对这首诗的意境评价最恰当的一项是(   )
    A . 沉郁顿挫 B . 清淡悠远 C . 古朴典雅 D . 自然明丽
  2. (2) 下列对这首诗的理解和赏析,不恰当的一项是(   )
    A . 诗人虽尊崇孔子,但“忧道不忧贫”难以践行,因此他立志躬耕,表达对孔子选择的否定。 B . 诗人亲自参与田间劳作,不仅快乐地拿起农具耕种,还面带笑容鼓励农人们积极从事劳动。 C . “虽未量岁功,即事多所欣”,意思是说不必斤斤计较收成如何,愉悦就在耕耘的过程中。 D . “日入相与归,壶浆劳近邻。”写傍晚与左邻右舍相伴而归,取酒欢饮的情景,画面温馨。
  3. (3) 结合全诗,分析结尾句“长吟掩柴门,聊为陇亩民”复杂的情感。
氰气的分子式为(CN)2 , 结构式为N≡C-C≡N,性质与卤素相似。下列叙述错误的是(   )
A . 分子中原子的最外层均满足8电子结构 B . 分子中N≡C键的键长大于C-C键的键长 C . 分子中含有2个σ键和4个π键 D . 能和氢氧化钠溶液发生反应
—Jack, you seem excited.

—______? I won the first prize in the English speech contest.

A . Guess what B . So what C . Pardon me D . Who cares

    Reading poems is not exactly an everyday activity for most people. In fact, many people never read a poem once they get out of high school.

    It is worth reminding ourselves that this has not always been the case in America. In the nineteenth century, a usual American activity was to sit around the fireside in the evening and read poems aloud. It is true that there was no television at the time, nor movie theaters, nor World Wide Web, to provide diversion. However, poems were a source of pleasure, of self-education, of connection to other people or to the world beyond one's own community. Reading them was a social act as well as an individual one, and perhaps even more social than individual. Writing poems to share with friends and relations was, like reading poems by the fireside, another way in which poetry has a place in everyday life.

    How did things change? Why are most Americans no longer comfortable with poetry, and why do most people today think that a poem has nothing to tell them and that they can do well without poems?

    There are, I believe, three culprits(肇事者): poets, teachers, and we ourselves. Of these, the least important is the third: the world surrounding the poem has betrayed us more than we have betrayed the poem. Early in the twentieth century, poetry in English headed into directions unfavorable to the reading of poetry. Readers decided that poems were not for the fireside or the easy chair at night, that they belonged where other difficult-to-read things belonged.

    Poets failed the reader, so did teachers. They want their students to know something about the skills of a poem, they want their students to see that poems mean something. Yet what usually occurs when teachers push these concerns on their high school students is that young people decide poems are unpleasant crossword puzzles.

  1. (1) Reading poems is thought to be a social act in the nineteenth century because                 .
    A . it built a link among people B . it helped unite a community C . it was a source of self-education D . it was a source of pleasure
  2. (2) The underlined word "diversion" (in Paragraph 2) most probably means "                ".
    A . concentration B . change C . amusements D . stories
  3. (3) According to the passage, what is the main cause of the great gap between readers and poetry?
    A . Students are becoming less interested in poetry. B . Students are poorly educated in high school. C . TV and the Internet are more attractive than poetry. D . Poems have become difficult to understand.
  4. (4) In the last paragraph, the writer questions                 .
    A . the difficulty in studying poems B . the way poems are taught in school C . students' wrong ideas about poetry D . the techniques used in writing poems
同温同压下,相同质量的SO2气体和CO2气体,下列叙述中正确的是(   )

①分子数之比为11∶16                    ②体积之比为16∶11

③密度之比为16∶11                       ④原子个数之比为1∶1

A . ①③ B . ②④ C . ②③ D . ①④











  1. (1) 下列对这两首诗的理解和赏析,不正确的一项是(   )
    A . 《房兵曹胡马》是杜甫看到房兵曹的胡马时所作,体现了诗人对胡马的赞颂之情。 B . 《房兵曹胡马》前四句写眼前马的外形动态,是实写,描画了一匹神清骨峻的“胡马”。 C . 《病马》颈联两句用先扬后抑的手法,抒发对病马的浓浓深情。 D . 《病马》这首诗通过对马的吟咏,反映了杜甫青年和晚年两个时期的不同心态。
  2. (2) 有人评价杜甫咏物诗“超越形似而达到神似的境界”,请从《房兵曹胡马》《病马》中选择一首,分析作者对马的吟咏是如何体现这一点的?
It is good manners to respect one's (尊严).
下列叙述正确的是(    )
A . 同温同压下,相同体积的气体,其分子数一定相等,原子数也一定相等 B . 一定温度、压强下,气体体积由其物质的量的多少决定 C . 气体摩尔体积是指1 mol 任何气体所占的体积为22.4 L D . 不同的气体,若体积不等,则它们所含的分子数一定不等


It was (apparently) that all of the students understood.
当今全球环境问题变得越来越严重。请你根据漫画内容,以李华的名义给“China Daily”写一封信,描述这种状况,并提出保护环境的建议。



2).参考词汇:人口膨胀:population expansion;过度开发:overdevelopment

Dear Editor,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

  1. (1) 《论语》中有“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”《劝学》中“”这两句也论述了学习和思考的关系。
  2. (2) 李白在《蜀道难》一诗中,用“”两句便把行人艰难的步履、惶恐的神情,绘声绘色地刻画出来了。
  3. (3) 文明是建立在物质的基础上的,经济的发展决定文明的进步。《管仲列传》中“”两句就表达了相似的意思。
—Why did you go to help the old man?

—Because he couldn't stand the (重担)on his shoulder.

体积相等的气体,在同温、同压下瓶内气体的关系一定正确的是(   )


A . 原子数相等   B . 密度相等 C . 质量相等   D . 摩尔质量相等

A. A general sleep rule.

B. The importance of sleep.

C. A funny sleeping example.

D. Different levels of sleep.

E. The time we need for sleep.

F. Different states of sleep.

    Sleep, as we know, is important to us because it helps restore tired organs and tissues in our body. But how much sleep do we actually need?

    For most of us, eight hours seems to be about the right amount. Yet we know that there are a great many people who get along perfectly with less sleep and some who may even need more. A great deal depends on the way we live. But a good general rule to follow is to sleep as long as we have to in order to feel happy and be able to work at our best when we are awake.

    There are actually different levels of sleep. There is a deep sleep and a shallow sleep. In a shallow sleep our body does not get the same kind of rest as it gets in a deep sleep, so that after eight hours of a shallow sleep we may still feel tired. But a short deep sleep can be very restful.

    Alexander the Great was able to get a deep sleep whenever he needed it. Once, during the night before an important battle, he remained awake longer than anyone else. Then he wrapped himself in a cloak and lay down on the earth. He slept so deeply that his generals had to wake him three times to give command to attack!

    Normally when we go to sleep, our “ sleep center” blocks off nerves so that both our brain and our body go to sleep. One prevents us form wanting to do anything and the other makes our internal organs and limbs go to sleep. But someone will fall asleep (brain sleep) and keep on marching, because his body is not asleep!


    Looking at China's history over the past 60 years,it is apparent that,despite much suffering,the country has achieved huge political,economic and social success,especially during the past three decades.

    The press center for the celebration of the 60th founding anniversary of new China was officially opened on the morning of September 22. Zha Shouchen,deputy director of the press center introduced that,during the National Day,there would be 3,200 domestic reporters,and more than 1,300 foreign journalists to come to Beijing to make the covering work.

    The press center provided many services for domestic and foreign reporters,such as issuing the press cards to reporters,accepting the interview application,organizing press conferences and activities of group interviews,providing the means of communication and information services for reporters.And the following was the scene.

    A grand parade in Beijing on Oct.1,led by the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force,showed some of China's latest achievements in defense modernization.About 8,000 military officers,along with tanks and other vehicles,formed a straight line stretching 3 kms.

    The military parade was followed by a civilian parade featuring six massive performing groups and 36 formations of about 100,000 people.In addition,60 floats(彩车)represented everything from the country's geographic areas to the previous year's Beijing Olympics.

    Everyday life in China is a parade on a grand scale,with citizens now being able to enjoy things their ancestors did not dare to contemplate 100 years ago,things their grandparents took for luxury 60 years ago,and things their parents did not even know how to attempt 30 years ago.

  1. (1) Of the following achievements,which one is NOT listed in Paragraph 1?

    A . Politics. B . Economy. C . Education. D . Society.
  2. (2) Which of the following led the parade according to Paragraph 4?

    A . The People's Liberation Army. B . The People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force. C . The People's Police Force and the People's Army. D . The People's Armed Police Force.
  3. (3) Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?

    A . The civilian parade is after the military parade. B . There are 60 floats representing everything from the country's geographic areas. C . Everyday life in China is a parade on a grand scale. D . The parade on Oct.1 showed some of China's latest achievements in automotive modernization,such as tanks and other vehicles.
  4. (4) What's the subject discussed in the text?

    A . The celebration of 60th anniversary of the founding of New China. B . The grand parade in the ceremony. C . The defense modernization in China. D . The economic development during recent years.


尧崩,帝舜问四岳曰:“有能成美尧之事者使居官?”皆曰:“伯禹为司空 , 可成美尧之功。”舜曰:“嗟,然!”命禹:“女平水土,维是勉之。”禹拜稽首,让于契、后稷、皋陶。舜曰:“女其往视尔事矣。”


禹乃遂与益、后稷奉帝命,命诸侯百姓兴人徒以傅土,行山表木,定高山大川。禹伤先人父鲧功之不成受诛,乃劳身焦思,居外十三年,过家门不敢入。薄衣食,致孝于鬼神。卑宫室,致费于沟淢。陆行乘车,水行乘船,泥行乘 , 山行乘檋。左准绳,右规矩,载四时,以开九州,通九道,陂九泽,度九山。令益予众庶稻,可种卑湿。命后稷予众庶难得之食。食少,调有余相给,以均诸侯。禹乃行相地宜所有以贡,及山川之便利。



  1. (1) 下列对文中画波浪线部分的断句,正确的一项是(   )
    A . 当帝尧之时/鸿水滔天/浩浩怀山襄陵/下民其忧/尧求能治水者/群臣四岳皆曰鲧可 B . 当帝尧之时/鸿水滔天浩浩/怀山襄陵/下民其忧/尧求能治水者/群臣四岳皆曰鲧可 C . 当帝尧之时/鸿水滔天浩浩/怀山襄陵下/民其忧/尧求能治水者/群臣四岳皆曰鲧可 D . 当帝尧之时/鸿水滔天/浩浩怀山襄陵下/民其忧尧/求能治水者/群臣四岳皆曰鲧可
  2. (2) 下列对文中加点的词语相关内容的解说,不正确的一项是(   )
    A . 巡狩,古代帝王巡查诸侯或地方官治理的地方,以考察功绩。 B . 司空,始置于唐虞之际,负责管理民众、土地及教化等事情。 C . 沟淢,田间沟渠。古代渠道深广四尺叫沟,深广八尺叫淢。 D . 橇,古代在泥路上行走的一种交通工具,形状如船而短小。
  3. (3) 下列对原文有关内容的概括分析不正确的一项是(   )
    A . 鲧治水无状,遭到放逐。帝尧听从了四岳的意见,用鲧治水,九年过去,洪水依然泛滥,治水没有成效。尧在巡行中发现鲧治水无状,就把他流放到羽山。 B . 禹勤勉不倦,恪尽职守。禹奉帝舜之命展开平治水土的工程,一路穿山越岭,树立木桩作为标志,测定高山大川的形貌,在外十三年,经过家门也不敢进入。 C . 禹生活简朴,无私奉献。禹吃穿很简朴,居室也极其简陋,把资财用在挖沟修渠等水利工程上,一年四季都带着准绳规矩测量山川,开土建堤,疏通河道。 D . 禹治水成功,受到褒奖。经过多年努力,禹治水成功,天子的声威教化达于四海,帝舜赐给禹一具玄圭,用它向天下宣告大功告成,天下从此太平安定。
  4. (4) 把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。



如图所示,在一个容积固定的恒温容器中,有两个可左右滑动的密封隔板,在C,A处充入等质量的X、Y两种气体,且X、Y的气体密度相等.当隔板停止滑动时,下列说法一定正确的是(  )

A . X、Y均为气体单质 B . 物质的量:n(X)<n(H2)<n(Y) C . X的相对分子质量等于Y的相对分子质量 D . 隔板停止滑动时,A,B,C三部分体积相等

    Last fall, before Thanksgiving, I was making my way in my car out of the shopping center parking lot. I was bored in the car. I 1a woman heavily loaded with 2 and her two boys, one carrying a pumpkin and the other another bag.

    They were headed, I 3, to the bus stop across the major road. 4it was too far to walk with all those 5 to any of the nearby bus stops, on a random impulse(冲动),I rolled down my window and asked if they were indeed headed to the 6. “Yes,” the mother 7. I asked, “Would you like a 8? “Oh, yes!” was their 9 reaction.

    I was also delighted,and,after driving out of the way of other 10, I stopped and the boys piled into the back seat . The mother started to push 11 beside them. I 12 her by saying, “Oh, you come on up here 13 me. I'm not a taxi driver!” So off we went.

    Right away, I decided to take them a mile and a half to their home, since I had 14 and they had bags. All the way, I had just a fine time listening and talking with all of them. It felt so good to be able to do this little 15 and showed that with such a small 16I could make a big difference to a tired mother. I'm not sure 17 got the most out of it.

    18, this was special for me 19, as a disabled person, I often receive help and now I know how especially good it feels to be 20.

A . noticed B . asked C . helped D . thanked
A . baskets B . cases C .  bags D . bottles
A . advised B . thought C . hoped D . wondered
A . Since B . Although C . While D .  If
A . vehicles B . distances C . directions D . purchases
A . shop B . bus stop C .  parking lot D . hotel
A . commented B . promised C .   regretted D .   responded
A . drink B . try C . ride D . break
A . shocked B . surprised C . excited D . mixed
A . traffic B . streets C . signals D . stops
A . along B . off C . on D . in
A . invited B . comforted C . stopped D . stressed
A . with B . by C . for D .  to
A . money B .  plans C . time D . duty
A . work B . trip C . business D . task
A . attention B . idea C . anxiety D .  effort
A . where B . who C . whether D .  when
A . By the way B .  In other words C . In all D . Generally speaking
A . however B . so C . or D . because
A . useful B . thankful C . special D . healthy

    I am travelling back with my parents from seeing my grandparents then it started to snow. At first, I thought it was fun and everything looked beautifully. I was looking forward to make a snowman in the playground at school the next day when the car slid violently off the road and into channel. My father called the emergency services, but they said that would be a long time before they could reach us. However, we sang songs and told stories to pass the time. Several hour later, the rescue team pulled their car out of the channel. At last, we managed to drive very slowly to home. I would never forget this experience.