
1. 听力选择题 详细信息
Where are Jimmy's socks? .
A.On his bed. B.On his feet. C.On the floor.
2. 听力选择题 详细信息
What did the man think caused most accidents?
A.Driving too fast. B.Getting up too late. C.Drinking too much.
3. 听力选择题 详细信息
How does the woman probably feel?
A.Upset. B.Tired. C.Curious.
4. 听力选择题 详细信息
How much did the man give to the woman?
A.$4. B.$36. C.$40.
5. 听力选择题 详细信息
What did the woman do last Friday night?
A.She had a date. B.She drank coffee. C.She drew cartoons.
6. 听力选择题 详细信息
【1】How long will the man be away from the field?
A.One week. B.Two months. C.Three months.
【2】What has the woman been doing recently?
A.Working out in the gym.
B.Running around the city.
C.Playing football on the field.
7. 听力选择题 详细信息
【1】What does Andrew think of his trip to Beijing?
A.Wonderful. B.Safe. C.Challenging.
【2】What will Andrew probably do next holiday?
A.See the Great Wall.
B.Join a volunteer club.
C.Visit the Palace Museum.
8. 听力选择题 详细信息
【1】Where does the man probably come from?
A.Japan. B.Thailand. C.New Zealand.
【2】When did the man see a good review of the restaurant?
A.On Sunday. B.On Wednesday. C.On Thursday.
【3】What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.A local website. B.A birthday dinner. C.A TV program.
9. 听力选择题 详细信息
【1】What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A.Teammates. B.Schoolmates. C.Workmates.
【2】Why is Ben worried?
A.He has no plan for daily activities.
B.He has no time for sports coaching.
C.He is not prepared for his exams.
【3】What is Nancy's advice about?
A.How to manage time.
B.How to do first things.
C.How to prepare for exams.
【4】Where does this conversation probably take place?
A.On campus. B.In the library. C.In French class.
10. 听力选择题 详细信息
【1】What is the speaker mainly talking about?
A.Tibetan history.
B.A popular book.
C.His traveling experiences.
【2】When did the speaker start to visit Tibet?
A.About 10 years ago. B.About 39 years ago. C.About 60 years ago.
【3】Who did the speaker go to Tibet with?
A.A scientist. B.His wife. C.Tintin.
【4】Which of the following impressed the speaker most in Tibet?
A.Mount Qomolangma. B.The Tibetan people. C.The Potala Palace.
11. 详细信息
Great hikes and walks in Speyside, Scotland
The Speyside Way
The Speyside Way, a 128-kilometer path, is often visited by long-distance walkers who spend a few days hiking, camping or staying at excellent accommodations along the way. To get information about the hike, including maps, walking guides and other details, visit https ://www.walkinghighlands. co. nk.
Forest Walk in the Anagach Woods
If you are looking for an easy Sunday walk with the kids, a forest walk in the Anagach Woods is just the thing. In the forest you can find plenty of birdlife. There are also mountain bike paths and places for pleasure around the woods, so you can add these to the list of fun things to do with the whole family.
Climbing up Ben Rinnes
Most people choose to climb Ben Rinnes from a small car park early in the morning and come back here before sunset. There is a good track which offers nice views across Glen Rinnes. You'll follow a zigzag (之字形的)track that makes many people out of breath. Enjoy a snack at the top, which will give you energy for the walk down.
Circling Aberlour, Dufftown and Craigellachie
It's an enjoyable walk around the villages of Aberlour, Dufftown and Craigellachie, starting and returning to the village of Aberlour. Starting from Aberlour means a fairly long climb at the start. But from Dufftown, you follow a nice track to Craigellachie. The hike left is mainly along
the River Spey, and you will often meet fishermen out for the catch of the day. The whole circle takes between 5-6 hours.
【1】Which is a good choice for a bird lover?
A.The Speyside Way.
B.Forest Walk in the Anagach Woods.
C.Climbing up Ben Rinnes.
D.Circling Aberlour, Dufftown and Craigellachie.
【2】What is suggested in Climbing up Ben Rinnes?
A.Enjoying a snack at the top.
B.Camping in the open air.
C.Meeting fishermen on your walk.
D.Visiting a website in advance.
【3】What's special about the Speyside Way?
A.It takes more than one day.
B.It offers mountain bike paths.
C.It includes a long climb at the start.
D.It suits families with children.
12. 详细信息
On Friday afternoon when I picked Gabriel up from school, he came running towards me smiling widely. Straight away I noticed a gap on the bottom row of his teeth. I felt my heart stop for a moment. At first I thought perhaps he had had some accident, such as falling down the stairs. Gabriel wasn't old enough to lose teeth, was he?!
Before I managed to ask him, he shouted "Mummy! Mummy! I've lost a tooth!” To my amazement, Gabriel appeared to be happy! ”Wow! When did that happen?" I asked. He thought for a few seconds and told me that he wasn't sure. He remembered eating a cake at lunchtime, and later when he checked in the mirror, his tooth was gone! No pain, no stressing and no worries!
I admit I did feel a little emotional. We focused the early years on his teeth growing, but now Gabriel would lose all those baby teeth and get adult ones! I told Gabriel to write to the tooth fairy (仙子),who would certainly visit, locate the tooth and leave a coin. Surely enough, a shiny coin was under his pillow (枕头)on Saturday. When Gabriel broke the news to Daddy, we laughed about the amount of cash kids make out of their teeth—a child usually has twenty teeth. A nice profit!
I'm proud of Gabriel. He wasn't frightened or confused, although the missing tooth may be in his stomach, which he thought was quite funny! Later I got some knowledge about which teeth are likely to go at specific ages. Of course, the ages aren't quite exact, but at least I know where we're heading.
【1】How did the author feel at the sight of Gabriel's tooth gap?
A.Angry. B.Anxious. C.Helpless. D.Disappointed.
【2】When did Gabriel probably lose his tooth?
A.After school. B.In class.
C.While falling down the stairs. D.While having lunch.
【3】What can we know from paragraph 3?
A.Gabriel received 20 shiny coins.
B.The couple made fun of Gabriel.
C.The writer accepted Gabriel's growth.
D.The fairy visited Gabriel on Friday night.
【4】What is the best title for the text?
A.The Missing Tooth B.Focus Less on Loss
C.A Letter to the Tooth Fairy D.Cash in on Teeth
13. 详细信息
A Japanese company has created a "smart“ mask (口 罩)that aims to improve communication for people wearing face coverings to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The use of face masks has become the new common practice in parts of the world still struggling to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. However, masks and other kinds of coverings can affect the quality of communication between wearers. The wearable electronic device (设备) called the "c — mask“ is meant to fit over other kinds of face masks commonly worn by the public. It's designed to better the exchange of conversation in such conditions.
The c — mask with a built-in microphone has holes in the front to let air in. When turned on, the mask uses Bluetooth technology to connect to a mobile device. An app then helps users do several actions, including turning speech into text, completing telephone calls and making the user's voice louder. The device can also translate a person's voice from Japanese into eight other languages.
Taisuke Ono, head of Donut Robotics, said the company was able to collect money to develop the smart mask through an activity on the Japanese crowdfunding (众筹)service Fundinno. He noted that the effort got $265,000 in just the first 37 minutes. It would usually take three or four months to collect that kind of money.
The company produced a working model of the mask within a month. Ono said the company plans to ship its first 5,000 c — masks to buyers in Japan. He is also looking to sell the devices in China, the United States and Europe and says he has received strong interest in the product.
【1】Why does the Japanese company develop the c — mask?
A.To increase their sales at home and abroad.
B.To help mask wearers communicate better.
C.To prevent the wide spread of the coronavirus.
D.To raise more money for the mask production.
【2】What can we learn about the c — mask according to the text?
A.It can deal with all the languages in the world.
B.It should be worn inside the common face mask.
C.It is connected to a mobile device through an app.
D.It has got great public support through Fundinno.
【3】What is Taisuke Ono's attitude towards the future of the c — mask?
A.Positive. B.Doubtful.
C.Uninterested. D.Worried.
【4】Where is this text most likely from?
A.A diary. B.A brochure.
C.A magazine. D.A novel.
14. 详细信息
As part of the self-esteem (自尊心)movement in the 1970s, parents were often told to give their children positive feedback along the lines of "Great job" or "You're so smart." But, as some leading researchers put it, praise also has a dark side.
This is because praising the result ("It's beautiful!") or the person ("You're so smart!”) encourages the child to focus on those things. She might feel anxious about her behaviour. He might question the conditionality (条件性)of your love. He might become more inspired by a parent's pleasure than by the process that led to it.
One of the guides is to praise the process, not the person. To test this, Dr. Dweck and her team praised two groups of children in different ways-one on their efforts, the other on their selves, and researched what happened. It turned out that children praised on their efforts became more confident and felt encouraged to try new things. Even if they failed at first, they were able to work through the solution by applying themselves.
We communicate our values through praise. One of those values is autonomy (自主性),so it's helpful to praise what your children have control over. This helps keep expectations possible to achieve, and also encourages them to continue doing the activity.
Besides, guard against overpraise. It can lead to “praise addiction;' in which a child acts on purpose to earn praise. There's another risk, too — children can sense when praise is not genuine, because even a little child can sense what is real. So instead of saying "You're the smartest boy in the world!”, consider simply describing what you observed your child doing: "Wow! You dug a big hole in the sandbox with your truck!" This puts more stress on the behavior without setting an impossibly high standard.
【1】What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The behaviour of children praised for the result.
B.The reasons for praising the result or the person.
C.The advice on how to praise children in the right way.
D.The disadvantages of praising the result or the person.
【2】Dr. Dweck and her team carried out the research by _______
A.listing some data B.trying out some guides
C.making a contrast D.talking with the parents
【3】What does the underlined word "genuine" in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.Specific. B.True.
C.Professional. D.Awkward.
【4】What does the text recommend parents do?
A.Assess children with too high a standard.
B.Praise the outcome rather than the process.
C.Give children nothing but positive feedback.
D.Praise what children can complete in their power.
15. 详细信息
How to Keep Calm Under Pressure
Exam pressure, job interviews and public speeches can all make you feel rather nervous-your heart’s racing, your voice sounds strange and your mind goes empty. 【1】 Here are three easy and effective tips that can help you keep calm.
【2】 Take a deep breath through your nose for five seconds, hold it for a second, then push all the air out through your nose, slowly, counting to five. Repeat a few times and you'll feel calmer. By breathing deeply and slowly, you can change the message your brain's receiving from “danger” to “all is well”.
Second, try humming (哼曲子). 【3】 Studies in how we control heart rate have shown that humming can affect one of the most important parts of the body: the vagus nerve (交感神 经), which is like a superhighway of communication, connecting the brain to the heart, lungs and stomach, voice box, ears, and so on. So the next time you feel your heart racing, sing a song or just hum a note.
The final tip is to focus. When you are busy, you wish to do several things at the same time, but if you want to stay calm and actually get things done, don't. 【4】 When you do two things at once, it has to change between them very rapidly and floods your body with stress hormones (荷尔蒙). So break your task down into small parts or steps, circle the one thing you need to do next and forget about the other tasks until their time comes. 【5】
A.Why are you so nervous?
B.What can you do to help?
C.It will make things worse.
D.Only a single note or a song will do.
E.First, slow your breathing way down.
F.This method is used by sports coaches to help athletes focus.
G.Studies show that your brain can only do one thing at a time.
16. 完形填空 详细信息
Every weekend, my father would go to the park to feed the homeless. I really didn't understand my father's _______ into it. But I was glad I didn't have to _______ him, because I knew how much trouble my father had just getting everything ready.
Then, one Friday night I was _______ a whole wonderful weekend by myself again when my dad came in.
"I need your help tomorrow. Some _______ won't make it.”
“Dad. I can't." I _______, but failed.
When we arrived, people were already there _______ us. I was _______ that my dad knew most of them by name and even what each one needed. While my father was feeding them, I started handing out some _______. It was at that time that I _______ a girl about my age was barefoot (光脚).I looked into her clear eyes for a moment, ________ believing someone of my age could live like this. It was lucky that we took some ________. “Thank you!" she cried happily when I ________ her the shoes. I felt all ________ inside as I watched her leave.
Now I ________ why my father did so much to help the homeless. I could ________ he loved seeing their smiles of happiness. I did too.
【1】A.attempt B.development C.change D.effort
【2】A.face B.stand C.join D.stop
【3】A.celebrating B.expecting C.wasting D.missing
【4】A.volunteers B.officials C.experts D.athletes
【5】A.demanded B.protested C.recommended D.added
【6】A.referring to B.laughing at C.waiting for D.watching over
【7】A.confused B.surprised C.annoyed D.embarrassed
【8】A.toys B.books C.equipment D.clothing
【9】A.realized B.felt C.noticed D.recognized
【10】A.hardly B.deeply C.partly D.widely
【11】A.shoes B.clothes C.cash D.fur
【12】A.threw B.lent C.returned D.handed
【13】A.shocked B.lost C.warm D.calm
【14】A.understood B.wondered C.heard D.asked
【15】A.guess B.imagine C.explain D.tell
17. 详细信息
Koalas are among Australia's favourite animals. 【1】 (unlucky), they could disappear from New South Wales stale by 2050 according to the finding of an official investigation.
Koalas live in eucalyptus (校树)forests. The trees provide shelter and food 【2】 the koalas. They eat eucalyptus 【3】 (leaf). However, the state's most recent fire season, 【4】(aid) by extremely dry weather, is unusually long and terrible for koalas. It is found that so far about 25% of koala habitat across the state 【5】 (destroy), in some parts as much as 81%. 【6】 is actions such as land clearing for fanning, city development, and deforestation (毁林) that are threatening the koalas' survival.
The result 【7】 (be) alarming. Only if the government acts on protective measures will our children's grandchildren see a koala in the wild. WWF calls on the government to make new laws 【8】 (protect) the koala habitat. Besides, more 【9】 (economy) support should be given to farmers who actively protect eucalyptus trees. The Premier of New South Wales said the government would do as WWF advises and take powerful measures in areas 【10】 the animals live.
18. 书面表达 详细信息
假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来信说他在学习汉语时不敢开口交流。请你写一 封回信,内容包括:
Dear Peter,
Li Hua
19. 书面表达 详细信息
“Surprise!” was the first thing I heard when I opened the door. My family and friends were all smiling at me. There were colorful balloons all over the house, a big poster saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY', and of course a cake with 12 candles. It was a wonderful feeling. I knew that I had finally turned twelve and I might possibly get the thing I wanted most.
I saw my mom and dad coming towards me with a small box which seemed to be a birthday present. When I opened the box, I couldn't believe my eyes. I had really gotten a mobile phone! Throwing myself into their arms, I let out a cry of joy, “Thank you! I love you guys!”
“You're welcome. We knew this was going to make you happy but we didn't only get you this because you turned twelve, but also because you are doing well in school. We expect you to keep getting good grades."
“Of course I will." I said confidently.
As soon as I got to school the next morning, I was showing off my phone and asking everyone for their number. It was cool how I got so many contacts on the first day.
It felt like I didn't even exist in that class anymore. I wouldn't pay much attention to the teachers because I was too busy on my phone. However, I didn't get caught using it.
I am pretty sure that the teacher did notice that I stopped paying attention to her because a week later we took a test and I failed. What was worse, my mom had to sign the test.
It was hard to show my mom the test. She was used to seeing A's and B's on my tests. Finally, I showed it to her, and she couldn't believe it. She was angry but most of all, she was disappointed.
Paragraph 1:
Realizing the reason for my failure, my parents started to dislike the fact that I had a phone.
Paragraph 2:
Then I started to wonder if I was wrong.