
(A)ASK LASKASYOU’VE GOT QUESTIONS. SHE'S GOT ANSWERSMy children go to a primary school where they are not allowed to play football in the playground for fear that a child might be hurt. Besides, now the school says there must be no homework because the local secondary school can't keep up with the amount of homework given in the primary school. Can the school do this?  Puzzled DadIt can't if enough parents do something about it. It is not just schools. We live in a society which wishes to get rid of risk. However, schools should have a little common sense and courage. Children need risk if 19.下列各种叙述,正确的是(  )①都是双眼皮的夫妇生下一个单眼皮的男孩,可推测单眼皮是隐形性状;②有些不利变异也是可以遗传的,比如人的红绿色盲;③性染色体只存在生殖细胞中;④人的平发尖与美人尖是相对性状.A.①②③B.①③④C.①②④D.②③④
英语 试题推荐