
与它倒数的积是________,0.45的倒数是________. 答案:1 分析:互为倒数的两个数的乘积是1;先把小数化为分数,再运用倒数的求法解答.解答:与它倒数的积是1;0.45=,的倒数是.故答案为:1;.点评:此题考查倒数的意义和求法:乘积是1的两个数互为倒数,一般在求小数的倒数时,先把小数化为分数再求解.14.假设你班为促进学生素质的全面发展,最近以"当班干是否会影响自己的学习?"为题进行了一次讨论.许多同学认为当班干不会影响自己的学习,但也有一些同学认为当班干会影响自己的学习.请你根据以下表格中的内容要点提示,用英语写一篇短文.乐观者的观点1.当班干不会影响学习;2.学习好的关键因素:…(自拟理由)3.当班干还会有利于你的学习提高:…(自拟理由)担心者的观点1.当班干会影响学习;2.当班干就不会有足够时间学习:…(自拟理由)3.学习会掉队.你自己的观点…(自拟观点和理由)要求:1.词数100个左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2.所写内容必须包括表格中的所有的信息,并作适当的发挥;3.不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息.(参考词汇:掉队 fall behind,自信心 conference,关系 relationship)Is it good to be the class leader?Does being a class leader affect(影响) our studies?Different students have different opinions(观点).Some students think being a class leader doesn't influence our studies.If we want to do well in our studies,we must listen to the teacher carefully and do some exercises to practise.And being a class leader doesn't harm either of these.Class leaders are always better at studying than other students.They need to set a good example to others,so they always try their best to make progress in their studies.However,some others think being a class leader affects our studies.As a class leader,we don't have much time to study.We need to help others to study.And we need to spend a lot of time keeping order.Then there is not much time for ourselves.We will fall behind.In my opinion,being a class leader at school doesn't influence our studies.It's a good chance to improve ourselves..
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