
用恰当的词语填空,完成对话,每空一词。 L:Your sister’s gone to Shanghai,1she? M:Yes. L:How long has she been there? M:She's been there since 2010. L:Oh.It’s about a year already! Have you2from her? M:Yes, of course.Very often.She wrote to me about a week ago and said she was quite busy there. L:I see.Are you3to write to her soon? M:Soon? Look! I am writing a letter to her now. L:Really? Will you please give my best4to her? M:Of course I5 .Thank you.下面两个比不能组成比例的是(  ) A、10:12=35:42B、20:10=60:20C、4:3=60:45D、18:6=15:3
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