
16.那井,那人葛朋利 ①我出生在苏北的一个偏远小村庄,那里地势高,经常缺水。那一年夏天,连仅有的两眼土井也快干枯了。于是打井取水便成了庄子里的头等大事。 ②在一个月明之夜,庄里的老太爷敲着铜锣,挨家挨户地把每个家庭的每个成员都喊到谷场子上开打井大会。大人们一个个表情严肃,争相表达自己的意见,一直争论不休。无人顾及的孩子们就在大大小小的草垛子里捉迷藏。不知过了多久,也不知捉了多少回迷藏,孩子们都累了, 根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。 (1) There is an English fast reading contest on ________. [  ] A.April, 21st B.April, 22nd C.April, 23rd (2) You can cheer for the best soccer team ________. [  ] A.in the school gym B.in the No. 3 Hall C.in the school field (3) The pop music show takes place ________. [  ] A.in the No. 2 Hall B.in the No. 3 Hall C.in the No. 4 Hall (4) You can only take part in one of ________. [  ] A.the fast reading contest and the soccer game B.the soccer game and the pop music show C.the fast reading contest and the pop music show (5) When can we go to see the basketball game? [  ] A.On April, 22nd. B.On April, 23rd. C.We don't know.
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