
读句子,选图片。字母代号填在括号内。(____) 1. This is Mr. Brown. He’s a teacher. (____) 2. I am a bird. I am short. (____) 3. —Where is your friend May from? —She’s from the UK. (____) 4. Look at the dog. It has two big ears. (____) 5. The fat man is Miss King’s brother. (____) 6. —Who’s that girl? —She’s my sister. 答案:【答案】1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A 【解析】略7.北宋词作者苏轼的词气势豪迈,雄建奔放;两宋之间李清照的词风委婉,感情真挚;南宋的关汉卿,把词的豪放风格发扬光大。×(判断对错)
英语 试题推荐