
课内阅读,完成练习。 有位同学一直默默地坐在那里,若有所思。魏校长注意到了,他打手势让大家安静下来,点名让那位同学回答。那位同学站了起来,清晰而坚定地回答道: “为中华之崛起而读书!” 魏校长听了为之一振!他怎么也没想到,一个十二三岁的孩子,竟然有如此的抱负和胸怀!他睁大眼睛又追问了一句:“你再说一遍,为什么而读书?” “为中华之崛起而读书!” 魏校长听了,高兴地连声赞叹:“好哇!为中华之崛起,有志者当完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 The following is a true story. It shows that potential(潜力)discovered may lead to success. A young man traveled by train. As it was running across a  36 , passengers looked out of  37   idly and aimlessly. When the train came near a bend it  38  and then an unadorned (简陋的)house came into  39  . It was so obvious  40  the deserted landscape that everybody on the train turned to “  41  ” it with eyes wide open. Some passengers  42  began a discussion abut it. The young man was also   43  by the scene. On his return he   44  the train at the nearest station and found his 45 to the house. Its  46 told him that troubled by the  47  of the train he wanted to sell the house but   48  would buy it. Soon after the young man   49  thirty thousand dollars for the house, regarding it as a 50 site for advertisement. It was facing the railway   51 where the train had to slow down and the  52  passengers would cast their eyes at the house to   53  themselves. He managed to get   54  to big companies and tried his best to convince them of the advantage of the place for   55  . Finally the Coca Cola Company took a lease on(租用) it to put up promotion signs. The young man was paid 180 thousand for a three-year rent. 36.A.city     B.station       C.tunnel       D.wilderness  37.A.windows   B.houses       C.rooms         D.planes                 38.A.broke down        B.turned down      C.slowed down    D.put down   39.A.being B.view           C.use     D.effect 40.A.against     B.on       C.for      D.to                41.A.admire      B.hear   C.inspect       D.see  42.A.ever   B.even          C.still     D.yet     43.A.excited       B.expressed C.shocked     D.impressed 44.A.got in B.got out       C.got off       D.put off  45.A.way B.path   C.road   D.means        46.A.loser  B.employer   C.boss   D.owner 47.A.sound         B.noise         C.voice  D.saying  48.A.nobody      B.none  C.nothing      D.someone 49.A.cost   B.paid   C.spent         D.took            50.A.favorable B.wrong         C.best   D.just             51.A.station       B.track  C.carriage    D.bend  52.A.tired          B.excited       C.moved        D.delighted 53.A.express      B.enjoy C.refresh      D.seat  54.A.close  B.access       C.down          D.up                55.A.promotion B.production          C.sale             D.advertisement    
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