
选出下列各句的修辞方法判断不正确的一项 A.理想是石,敲出星星之火。(比喻)B.放下饱食过稻香的镰刀,用背篓来装竹篱间肥硕的瓜果。(拟人)C.花里带着甜味儿;闭了眼,树上仿佛已经满是桃儿、杏儿、梨儿。(比喻)D.“一年之计在于春”,刚起头儿,有的是工夫,有的是希望。(引用) 答案:C试题分析:C项中的“仿佛”是一种联想,本句中没有本体与喻体的关系,所以不是比喻。考点:修辞手法判断点评:本题有难度,学生总以为“仿佛”是比喻词。比喻中的明喻有“好像”“仿佛”之类的比喻词,但有这类的词不一定就是比喻句,要看有没有某特点相似的本体与喻体。平时阅读要注意A science book gives facts. Some science books tell us about animals. Some tell us about plants. Some tell us about outer space. This page tells us about animals.Do you know that not only the fish but also some animals live in the sea? For example, the whale is not a fish. It can’t breathe in the water. It swims in the water. But it comes up for air.The blue whale is the world’s biggest animal. There are other sea animals, too. One is called the dolphin. Dolphins need air to live. They breathe air, as whales do. Dolphins are very clever. They sometimes seem to speak to each other.Many other animals live near the sea. Seals(海豹)and otters(水獭)love the sea. They swim and play there. They eat fish and sea plants. Seals and otters have thick fur. The fur keeps them warm.小题1:The passage mainly tells us about ____________.A.fishesB.plantsC.scienceD.sea animals小题2:The blue whales live in the sea. They breathe air as ______do.A.dolphinsB.fishC.crocodilesD.sea plants小题3:Which of the sentences below is NOT true?A.The whale can swim in the sea like a fish.B.The whale can breathe in the sea like a fish.C.Both whales and dolphins are sea animals.D.Seals and otters like living near the sea.小题4:What food do seals and otters like eating?A.Meat.B.Fruits.C.Both fish and sea plants.D.Leaves.小题5:Some sea animals can keep themselves warm because ___________.A.they are big animalsB.they like playing in the seaC.they have thick furD.they eat enough food every day
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