
下列事件中,属于不确定事件的是( )A.海口市的年平均气温比哈尔滨的年平均气温高B.从装有50个黄球的袋中随机取出2个球,这2个球都是白色的C.每晚7时,中央电视台1套播出“新闻联播”节目D.从装有10个黄球,4个白球(这些球除颜色外其余都相同)的袋中,随机取出2个球,1个是黄球,1个是白球根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全单词。Mr.Jones had a quarrel with Mrs.Jones the other day.So they were very angry with each other.For several days they did not s 【1】 to each other at all.One evening Mr.Jones was very t 【2】 when he came back from work, so he went to bed at once after d 【3】 .Of course he did not say a 【4】 to Mrs.Jones before he went upstairs.Mrs.Jones washed the dishes and then did some sewing.When she went up to bed much l 【5】 than her husband, she found a p 【6】 of paper on the small table near her bed.On it were the words, ‘Mother---Wake me up at 7 a.m.---Father.’When Mr.Jones w 【7】 up the next m 【8】 , it was nearly 8 a.m.---and on the small table near his bed he saw a 【9】 piece of paper.He took it and r 【10】 these words: ‘Father---Wake up.It’s 7 a.m.---Mother.’
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