
阅读理解 How do you spend your time?To get it, Paul T. Rankin asked sixty-eight individuals to keep an accurate, detailed record of what they did every minute of their wakinghours. He discovered that70percent of their waking time was spent on one thing only-communication. Put that evidence alongside the research findings uncovered by theHuman Engineering Laboratories, they discovered that, vocabulary, more than any other factoryet known, predicts financial success. New words make us better thinkers as well as communicators. What better reason for beginning right now to extend yourvocabul判断下列说法的对错,分别用“√”“×”标出。(1)面对秦王,蔺相如说话还能理直气壮,真是有勇有谋。 ( )(2)《奴隶英雄》的开头很巧妙。斯巴达克还没有出场,我们就从贵族们的对话中看到他的勇猛。 ( )(3)在“赤壁之战”中,周瑜获胜的根本原因在于吴国的军队兵多、战船多。( )(4)鲁滨孙花费了很多心血造出一只独木舟,说明他勇于克服困难、有头脑。( )(5)老人认为,自己是个打鱼的,把鱼弄死不仅仅是为了养活自己,还为了光荣。( )
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