
阅读理解OutdoorScience Field Trips! (1) Which trip caters for more age groups than all the others? A . Habitat & Home B . Only Rain Down the Drain C . healthy earth healthy bodies D . Rockin'and Recycling (2) What will you learn from Only Rain Down the Drain? A . Information about weather. B . Knowledge about water systems. C . Grade specific science standards. D . Stories about Sonoma County. (3) Which trip should you choose if you want to learn to forecast the weather? A . Habitat & Home B . Only Rain Down the Drain C . Rockin'and若二项式(1+2x)n的展开式中只有第七项的二项式系数最大,则n=______;此时2n+4除以7的余数是______.
英语 试题推荐