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1. 完形填空

My neighbor had recently had his car stolen, and there had been a number of other car thefts(偷盗案)reported in the local 1, so although I was shocked, I was not too surprised when I discovered that my own car was missing on that dark 2 morning.

As I live in a block of flats with no garage facilities(监控设备), I have to leave my car in the street to keep it 3. I try to park it for the night as near my flat as possible. Until quite recently there was always plenty of parking everywhere and I was able to leave the car – a grey Mini car – just outside my flat. 4 the place was public, I looked upon it as being my own.

That cold morning as I stood on the quiet street very early, 5 in hand, ready to get into my car, I found myself staring into the empty space. The car had gone. I remembered parking it there the night before on returning from the club up the hill. I walked up and down the street 6 it with growing worries. It was nowhere to be seen. I hurried back to the place and saw a patch(一小块地) of 7 ground, exactly the 8 of my Mini, which proved without doubt that it had been there during the night and been taken in the early hours when the heavy snow stopped.

I 9 the police at once. After hearing my words on the phone, they said they would report back the moment they had any 10. I found the phone ringing on my return home from work, I 11 to pick up the phone receiver.

"455-0961. Roger Woods 12."

"Oh, Mr Woods, local police station here. You reported a car missing in the morning, car number PYT 511F?"

"Yes, that's right. Has it been 13?"

"Yes, it has. Parked on the main road. Almost the next door to your flat. Are you sure you didn't leave it there yourself?"

To be 14, I didn't want to say yes.

"Well, I understand," the policeman said 15, "I'm sorry, sir, your car was parked on yellow lines, and I'm afraid that you'll have a parking fine(罚金) to pay."

A . posters B . paintings C . magazines D . newspapers
A . spring B . summer C . autumn D . winter
A . new B . cool C . safe D . clean
A . So B . But C . Because D . Although  
A . map B . key C . phone D . money
A . asking for B . looking for C . talking about D . thinking about
A . dry B . rich C . dirty D . hard
A . size B . shape C . colour D . weight
A . met B . called C . emailed D . interviewed
A . news B . stories C . questions D . reasons
A . rushed B . waited C . refused D . remembered
A . waiting B . driving C . speaking D . counting
A . sold B . found C . repaired D . recycled
A . active B . careful C . honest D . friendly
A . softly B . angrily C . politely D . excitedly
2. 阅读理解

        Pride and Prejudice                  By Jane Austen

The story of the book is the love-hate relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. It shows how the heroes overcome pride and prejudice to reach the surprising ending. It also offers us a look into the life in the British towns at the end of the 19th century. It's the model for modern novels.

      To Kill a Mockingbird            By Harper Lee

Equality(平等) is the main theme of the novel. The child Tom Robinson who has bright eyes and his bravery attract a lot of readers. The novel was successful, winning the Pulitzer Prize and has been a classic of modern American literature(文学).

       The Little Prince             By Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

First published in 1943, it is one of the most-translated books in the world and is considered the best book of the 20th century in France. The narrator(叙述者) of the novel is a pilot. He tells the story of a kid called the little prince who has travelled to six planets and finally comes to the earth to try to find solutions to loneliness and pain.

         The Sun Also Rises              By Ernest Hemingway

The novel explores the lives and values of the so-called "Lost Generation(代)". Jake, the hero, is unable to be with Brett Ashley because of a serious wound when his fighter plane crashed. However, he is still in love with her. The story follows Jake and his various companions across France and Spain.

  1. (1) The book Pride and Prejudice is mainly about          .
    A . war and peace B . love and hate C . dreams and reality D . rules and freedom
  2. (2) Readers who are interested in French children's literature may choose         .
    A . The Little Prince B . Pride and Prejudice C . The Sun Also Rises D . To Kill a Mockingbird
  3. (3) The passage most probably comes from the          column(栏目) in a magazine.
    A . travel B . health C . fashion D . culture     
3. 阅读理解

I'm definitely a morning person. I've realized how much I can actually get done first things in the morning, between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. That, for me, is the sweet spot. I honestly get more done in those two hours than I often do the rest(其余的) of the day. I've developed a habit that helps me be productive(效率), and it includes what I call the law(定律) of first things. This same law is followed by people far more productive than I am, including Bill Gates, Howard Schultz and Jeff Bezos.

Essentially, the law of first things says that whatever you do when you first get up in the morning influences your productivity for the rest of the day. For many of the most productive people, that first thing is often not work. And it shouldn't be for you either.

Let's consider the morning habits of these highly productive people. Bill Gates says he starts his day on the treadmill(跑步机), watching educational DVDs. Howard Schultz likes to get up early to exercise, often cycling, before getting started with work. Jeff Bezos, famously, prefers to not have business meetings until around 10 a.m., instead, he makes time for other things at home first.

Most of us get out of bed, pick up our phone and immediately start reading emails or our news feeds. That means that from the moment we wake up, we're already responding(回应)to the outside world instead of creating space for ourselves to allow our bodies and our minds to practice.

That space matters, and whatever you do first sets the direction you go throughout your day. If that thing is responding to an email from someone who feels it is important, you may never get back to the important things you need to do. You should start your day with something other than work. You might end up surprised by how much you get done.

  1. (1) Why does the writer think he's a morning person?
    A . He finishes all his work in the morning. B . He has a lot of work to do in the morning. C . He does things more productively in the morning. D . He'd always like to do some exercise in the morning.
  2. (2) In the passage, the writer supports the idea of the passage by         .
    A . telling stories B . giving examples C . asking questions D . explaining differences
  3. (3) From Paragraph 3, we can know         .
    A . what to do in the morning B . how to start the day right C . why to pay attention to starting the day D . where to spend the morning time
  4. (4) According to the passage, which of the following is the writer's opinion?
    A . We always practise our bodies and minds when we get up. B . Watching educational DVDs is a good choice to start the day. C . It's important to wake up to respond to the outside world. D . We should learn to use the first hours of the day wisely.
4. 阅读理解

Meat can be tasty. It is often good for us and it has been part of our meals for hundreds of thousands of years. However, some organizations, such as the Soil Association, say meat should not be eaten every day, especially in schools. This is because farming animals for meat can be bad for the environment and lead to climate(气候)change. The Soil Association wants schools to have more plant-based meal choices that don't have meat and that do not cause environmental problems. The Government already advises that schools have one no-meat day each week, but not all schools follow this advice. So what do you think? Should schools be made to have one complete no-meat day each week?

    Yes – it's important to protect the climate

Everyone needs to do their bit to help the planet, and eating less meat is a good start. Although meat can be healthy and is good for us in the right amounts, eating it every day means a lot of animals have to be farmed. This uses up valuable things such as water and land. The animals themselves add to climate change by producing a gas called methane. Besides, it's not necessary to eat meat every day. There are many ways to get the nourishment we need to be healthy. We could eat foods like beans, nuts, potatoes and so on. What's more, eating more plant-based foods will save schools' money because they are cheaper than meat. This money could be used on books and school trips.

    No –           ▲         

Students should be able to decide what they eat – it's a personal choice. Some students, for example, might eat a little bit of meat each day, but less overall. Besides, meat is full of healthy vitamins and nutrients needed for growth. If schools don't serve meat, they might end up serving chips and junk food instead, which wouldn't be healthier. It's right to tell and educate young people about climate change and the results of the farming industry, but they should be encouraged to change their eating habits rather than being told that they have to. Making people change their habits doesn't always mean people can change their minds.

  1. (1) The example of the Soil Association taken by the writer is to show         .
    A . every school must have one no-meat day B . one no-meat day is becoming a tradition in all schools C . students should be required to eat meat in the right amounts to keep healthy D . people try to protect the environment by having one no-meat day in schools
  2. (2) The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 2 refers to         .
    A . eating much meat B . farming lots of animals C . having one no-meat day D . eating more plant-based foods
  3. (3) Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in "    ▲    " in the passage?
    A . it should be up to the students B . schools shouldn't have one no-meat day C . it's necessary to change students' eating habits D . students should eat a little bit of meat every day
  4. (4) What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?
    A . Changing people's minds is really a difficult task. B . It's not polite to make people change their eating habits. C . Habits changing cannot always lead to minds changing. D . It's more important to change eating habits than to change their minds.
5. 阅读理解
    I received a private message on Facebook. It began harmlessly enough: "Hey, girl. Wanted to invite you to join in my next project—30 minutes of exercise and healthy eating. Promise to help you LOSE WEIGHT!"

    It was all becoming too much. Facebook was running my life, not me.

    But what killed Facebook for me was when I posted a photo, and five minutes later my son asked me how many "likes" it got. His question was a wake-up call.

    "Likes" are signs of acceptance and approval. I had forgotten that acceptance and approval need to come from within and had unknowingly set him a bad example.

    I tried to remember what life was like before Facebook. Surfing the internet was an occasional(偶尔的)activity, and I spent a lot more time reading books and magazines. I checked in with friends through texts, emails and phone calls.

To recreate the simplicity(简单) of those days and set a healthier example for my son, I closed my Facebook account.

    I'd been in the habit of checking Facebook many times a day, so I had to come up with some new habits. I carried a novel and a crossword puzzle book around with me. I rediscovered playing the piano. I started taking yoga classes.

    I stopped looking at the world through my cellphone. I felt completely present in the moment. The break left me feeling better about myself, my family, my home and my life.

    After a few weeks, I returned to Facebook. Now I look at the photos of my friends' kids growing up and treasure how Facebook allows me to keep in touch with family far and wide. I have a look at it ever day, but no longer with the need to post ideas and photos from time to time.

    It is not an addiction(瘾)any more.

  1. (1) The writer closed her Facebook because        .
    A . she wanted to set her son a good example B . she had received a harmful message on it C . she wanted to create a kind of simple Facebook D . she posted photos on it but didn't receive many "likes"
  2. (2) What can we know about the writer?
    A . She isn't interested in reading. B . She doesn't use Facebook now. C . Playing the piano is new to her. D . She lived a simple life before Facebook.
  3. (3) The writer has learned a lot from her experience except        .
    A . we should eat healthily and do more exercise B . we ourselves should control our lives, not Facebook C . we should use Facebook correctly to make good use of it D . we shouldn't care too much about what other people think of us
  4. (4) What can be the best title for the passage?
    A . Future of Facebook B . History of Facebook C . Lessons from Facebook D . Introduction to Facebook
6. 选词填空(词汇运用)

seldom    remain    against    speak    hundred

  1. (1) The  described the suffering of the poor clearly.
  2. (2) In our country, it's  the rules to drive after much drinking.
  3. (3) Even Charle, who  smiled, laughed out loud a few times.
  4. (4) There will be a lot of activities on the Party's one  birthday this year.
  5. (5) Most people  in the cities where they worked during the Spring Festival last


7. 单词拼写(词汇运用)

    Hello, everyone! I'm George. I'm glad to be here this morning. Have you ever met a stranger who becomes one of your real friends? Now I'd like to (分享) the following experience with you.

(几个、数个) days ago, the woman I met on my way home from work is a perfect example. I left my (办公室)late and forgot that my car needed gas. I had been driving on the road for about (四十)minutes when the car started making strange noise. Then it (突然)stopped. It was out of gas, and I was quite  

(紧张的)because it was getting dark. After a few minutes, a young couple stopped and offered to help me. They went to a gas station, (买) a big can of gas, and put the gas in my car. The woman told me that when she saw me looking so alone and (无望的), she told her husband to stop. She wanted to help me because she hoped that someone would stop and help her in a (相似的) situation. I'm so thankful for their


    A stranger is someone you have never met before, but sometimes great meaning can truly be brought to our life by him or her.

8. 语法填空

More and more people can drive today. So there are a lot of cars on the street. At this time, many driving direction apps (use) very widely in our daily life. Now driving is very different.

But a wrong direction app may make it hard to find the place. It happens to everyone: The direction app tells you (turn) left, but there's no street there. It says you should make a U-turn, but there is a sign (tell) drivers not to make U-turns.

An app is helping with directions, but you should know you are going and what is happening on the roads. There is a man who is driving a new city. He doesn't know the way well, he opens his direction app and hopes that will help. But some minutes later, he and his car are in a lake. The app tells him to drive on a (break) bridge. He calls 110, and sits on the top of the car waiting for help. So, you must tell

 (you) where to go first. You should also know more about the road conditions before going out.

    Of course, everything has two (side). Most of the direction apps can not only show drivers the right way, but also help them do many other things. They tell drivers which road has fewer cars, when to slow down and where there is  camera. So apps are very helpful and useful in our life.

9. 任务型阅读


Lack of sleep among children and teenagers in China has worsened in the past years, especially on school days.

    More than 95 percent of students in primary schools, nearly 91 percent of those in middle schools do not get enough sleep on school days, increasing the risk of developing mental and physical health problems, the report said.

    About the COVID-19 epidemic's influence on sleep, research had shown that there were no great differences in sleeping time of students before and after schools reopened in China.


    All primary and middle school students in China will be banned(禁止)from bringing mobile phones to school, the Ministry of Education announced on Monday.

    , making sure they center on study and stopping them from becoming lost in the internet and online games.

    Dai Hanyang, a student in Changsha said, "I am not good at self-control, so not having my mobile phones with me helps me focus on studying."

    Zhang Ting, the mother of a fourth grader in Beijing, said, "A smart watch is more than enough for communication and the knowledge found in books is enough".


Ye Ting was excited when she learnt that her daughter's school would reduce the amount of homework so that students can have more free time, but her excitement did not last long.

    Minister of Education Chen said one of the ministry's main tasks this year is to limit the amount of homework for primary and middle school students and make sure they can enjoy free time and enough sleep for their healthy development.

, so they gave themselves more exercises or went to extra classes to learn more.

A. Students will have more free time to enjoy themselves

B. Many students don't have enough time to sleep

C. Schools ban students from bringing mobile phones

D. Many students started to worry they might be left behind

E. The news aimed at(旨在)protecting students' eyesight

F. Less homework fail to reduce students' pressure

10. 书面表达
某英文网站正举办主题为"Friendship"的征文活动。 假如你是李明,请用英语写一篇短文投稿。短文必须结合你的亲身经历,描述与"友谊"相关的一件事情,并谈谈它给你带来的影响或感受。




首句参考:I will never forget… / I still remember…