月考专区 知识点题库


Everyone in the classroom is glad. Their hobbies is swimming after school.



    A year has twelve months. My favorite month is October. October 1st is National Day(国庆节). We have a seven-day holiday(假期). During the holiday, my parents always take me to see my grandparents.

    Our school has some interesting things in October. On the 12th , we have a soccer game. I don't love basket ball. It's difficult for me. But I love soccer. I love playing soccer and watching soccer games. We have a book sale on October 20th. I have three old books and I want to sell them. The art festival is fun. We have it on October 29th. My birthday is also on this day. October is a really great month for me.

  1. (1) What month does the writer(作者) like best(最)?
    A . December B . November C . October D . September
  2. (2) The writer thinks basketball is ______?
    A . relaxing B . interesting C . difficult D . boring
  3. (3) The underlined(下划线) word “it” means the _________.
    A . soccer game B . book sale C . school trip  D . art festival
  4. (4) How many things does the school have in October?
    A . Two. B . Three. C . Four . D . Five.
  5. (5) The writer loves October Not because(因为) ___________.
    A . he can have a seven-day holiday B . his birthday is in October C . October has thirty-one days D . a soccer game is in October
找出划线部分读音不同的那个单词(   )
A . cup B . blue C . ruler D . you
  1. (1) What time is it?
    A . Morning. B . Afternoon. C . Evening.
  2. (2) What's the boy's name?
    A . Helen. B . Jim. C . Jack.
  3. (3) What are they talking about(谈论)?
    A . Ruler. B . Color. C . Orange.
  1. (1) What's the girl's family name?
    A . Wang Dan. B . Wang. C . Dan.
  2. (2) The girl does NOT have _______ in her schoolbag.
    A . a ruler B . two notebooks C . a pencil box
  3. (3) What's her library card number?
    A . 20160909. B . 25160709. C . 20160709.
—Is Jim your friend?

—Yes, _______.

A . it is B . he is C . it isn't D . he isn't
Here is my family photo. (改为同义句)

Here is a my family.

Her name is Emma. She's from England and she's _______.
A . English B . American C . Chinese D . Australian
阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

A: Good morning!


A:2your name, please?

B:3name is Amy. And you?

A: I4Peter. Nice to meet you.


A: What's this6English?

B: It's7English book.

A: And8is it?


A: Thank you very much.


A . Thanks B . Good evening C . Good morning D . I'm OK
A . What B . What's C . How D . How's
A . I B . I'm C . My D . Her
A . am B . is C . name D . name's
A . Nice to meet you, too B . Thanks C . Thank you D . You are very nice
A . for B . at C . in D . with
A . a B . an C . the D . /
A . what B . what's C . what color D . what's color
A . It's B . Its C . I'm D . it's
A . OK B . All right C . You're welcome D . Right
The blue (夹克衫) is Dale's.
It's _______ black. It's ______ black ruler.
A . /; / B . a; / C . /; a D . a; a

sell   think   woman   brother   she   sell

  1. (1) My mother drinks milk every day. She it's good for her health.
  2. (2) like buying different kinds of clothes.
  3. (3) Come and buy your clothes at our great.
  4. (4) The blue sweater is mine. is red.
  5. (5) My birthday is coming. I want to buy a gift for him.
What does Sue have?
A . A ruler. B . A pen. C . An eraser.
A . but B . cup C . ruler D . much
         it green, please.


A . What's color B . What color C . Color

    Good morning, boys and girls. My 1is Rose Green. I'm 2English teacher. I'm Chinese. I'm 3English. I'm 26 years old(岁). I'm 4. I 5red very much(非常). Look! My jacket is6. My ruler and my pen7red. Oh, my quilt is red,8. Look! This is 9 orange. The color of the orange is 10.

A . color B . name C . class D . mother
A . your B . my C . he D . you
A . no B . a C . not D . in
A . good B . do C . fine D . spell
A . like B . meet C . say D . see
A . green B . yellow C . red D . black
A . is B . am C . are D . isn't
A . two B . too C . to D . /
A . / B . the C . a D . an
A . black B . white C . orange D . old

Dear Sally,

When you go to see your brother,you can take some things to him:his math book,a baseball,notebooks,CDs and a video cassette. You both can play baseball tomorrow afternoon. Your brother needs the CDs. And you can enjoy the CDs together. The math book is on the desk. The baseball is under the bed. The CDs are in the bookcase. Is the video cassette on the computer? Oh, no, it is behind the computer.

Have a good time! Baby!


  1. (1) Sally can take ______ things to her brother when she goes to see him.
    A . three B . four C . five D . six
  2. (2) The math book is ______.
    A . on the bed B . under the bed C . on the desk D . in the desk
  3. (3) Sally doesn't have to take ______ with her.
    A . CDs B . the baseball C . a notebook D . the soccer ball
  4. (4) Where is the video cassette?
    A . It's on the computer. B . It's in the desk. C . It's behind the computer. D . It's behind the bed.
Here're _________ pencils, three for you, and the other (其它的) two for me.
A . three B . four C . five D . six

It's Tommy's birthday today. It is a great day for him, because everyone in his family is here today.

"I love everyone in America!" Tommy makes a wish (愿望).

"Why do you only love people in America?" asks his father. "People all over the world need your love."

"I don't think so," says Tommy. "We are far away. I don't need them, and they don't need me."

"Oh, no," Tommy's sister Jane says, "people are not far away today. We are in a big family."

"Look at all the gifts on the desk," says Aunt Laura. "How many of them are from other countries?"

"Here is some nice food," says his mother. "It's from China."

"This watch comes from Japan," says Jane.

"Look at that shirt. It's from England," says his grandfather

"How great it is!" Tommy says. "People all over the world help us live a beautiful life. I love them, too!" he makes a wish again.

  1. (1) Why is it a great day for Tommy today?
    A . Because lots of friends come to his birthday party. B . Because he gets some gifts from all over the world. C . Because everyone in his family is here for his birthday. D . Because the birthday cake is very big.
  2. (2) What does Tommy's father mean?
    A . Tommy should love people all over the world. B . Tommy's gifts are from different countries. C . Tommy should have more friends from all over the world. D . Tommy's friends from all over the world come to the birthday party.
  3. (3) What's the best title for the passage?
    A . Tommy's family. B . Tommy's gifts. C . Tommy's wish. D . Tommy's life.