小学 英语

A . Is your mother a nurse? B . Are you a nurse? C . Who is a nurse?
Please help        to the food.
A . you B . yourself C . your
You should do your things _____ your own.
A . at B . in C . on
当你让他人先行时,你应说:________(   )
A . After you. B . After me.

A . How many birds do you have? B . How many birds can you see? C . How are you?
A . What happened? B . I'm sorry to hear that. C . Hurray!
A . He can play ping-pong. B . She can play ping-pong.

⑴on foot                   A. 骑自行车

⑵for a minute               B. 吃午餐

⑶by bike                    C. 互相

⑷have lunch                D. 一会儿

⑸each other                 E. 步行

  1. (1) near—  
  2. (2) dad—  
  3. (3) mouth—
  4. (4) duck—  
  5. (5) very—  
听录音,选择你所听到的单词(   )
A . Thursday B . them C . Tuesday
I have four _______.
A . erasers B . eraser C . crayon
  1. (1) take a look
  2. (2) would like
  3. (3) a cup of
  4. (4) A bottle of
  5. (5) how much
  6. (6) have a match
  1. (1) 说话sp k
  2. (2) 听到h r
  3. (3) 看见s
  4. (4) 帮助h p
  5. (5) 打开op
  1. (1) p da

  2. (2) ersr

  3. (3) k e

  4. (4) rc

  5. (5) n e

  6. (6) scho bag

  7. (7) k

  8. (8) cny

  9. (9) noeook

  10. (10) mth

选出画线部分发音不同的单词(   )
A . goodbye B . cartoon C . zoo
Today is Monday and yesterday____Sunday.  (  )
A . is B . was C . are

Where are my glasses?

Zoom's grandfather: Do you see my glasses?

Zoom's father: No. Are they on the fridge?

Zoom's grandfather: Let me see. Oh, those are not my glasses.

Zoom's father: Look! My glasses are on the table.

Zoom's grandfather: But where are my glasses?

Zoom's father: Look! Your glasses are on the bed!

Zoom's grandfather: Thank you.

Zoom's grandfather: Oh, I am dizzy(头晕)!

Zoom's father: Me too! Let's change our glasses.

Zoom's grandfather: I can see now.

Zoom's father: Me too.

  1. (1) Zoom's father lost his .
  2. (2) The father's glasses are on the.
  3. (3) The grandfather's glasses are on the.
  4. (4) Their(他们的) glasses are not on the.
  5. (5) They their glasses, and then they can see.