高中英语: 高一 高二 高三 高考 

高中 英语


I am now on my year abroad in Germany as part of my university course. At the (begin) of my time here, I had the chance to meet so many new people and make lots of new friends. It is almost like (start) a new life and can make you feel nervous and lonely at first. But I knew that when I moved to Germany I had to be open and friendly. This is (certain) what I have done since moving here and I have made some great friends along the way.

Next week a friend of (I) is moving to Spain for the next part of her year abroad. She will be living near a beach and have a lot of fun. But I am also (concern) about her as she will have to start a new life in another new country. She said that she (want) to go back in time very much.

In order (say) goodbye to her, a group of friends and I had a surprise party. We made her a scrapbook (剪贴簿) with photos and  memories of her time here so she could take it along! We hope that she has wonderful time in Spain and that she will get along well her new classmates and settle into her new home.

She cannot live up to her parents' expectations, influencing her confidence to some extent.

Forget smart phones and smart glasses. One day, we might have smart tattoos (纹身). The company NewDealDesign came up with an idea for a product called UnderSkin. The device would look like a pair of tattoos on your palm and the side of your thumb, but it would actually be a very thin computer implanted just below your skin. It would draw power from your body's energy, and you could use it to unlock doors, monitor your health, exchange and store information, or even express your personality. UnderSkin is just an idea -you can't go out and get one -but the technology exists to make it work. "We assume it is about five years from being real," says designer Gadi Amit.

Writer and technology entrepreneurs Amal Graffstra already has a chip called a radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag (标签) implanted in his hand. "I use it to log into my computer. I also use it to share contact details with people," he says. The chip is about the size of a grain of rice and responds to radio signals with a unique identification number.

If a computerized tattoo or embedded tag isn't crazy enough for you, what about a brain chip? The company Intel is working on technology that would let you control your devices with your mind. Dean Pomerleau, one of the researchers, explains, "We're trying to prove you can do interesting things with brain waves...Imagine being able to surf the Web with the power of your thoughts."

Do you think embedded chips sound cool or creepy? Some doctors are concerned about people hurting themselves while getting devices implanted. They argue that medical procedures are meant to heal sick People and not to give healthy people special powers. Others worry about hacking and privacy -could someone hack in and steal your identity, or even control your mind? On a more philosophical level if you e a computer inside your body, are your still human? Or are you a cyborg (半机械人)

What do you think-would you want a computer under your skin?

  1. (1) What can we learn about Underskin according to the passage?
    A . It is a pair of tattoos on your palm. B . It may come into being in five years. C . It is able to respond to radio signals. D . It can be charged through a computer.
  2. (2) Amal Graffstra is mentioned in Paragraph 2 to show
    A . there exists the technology to produce Underskin. B . Amal Graffstra can have access to advanced products. C . the RFID tag is quite useful for people in life. D . people tend to share contact details with people.
  3. (3) What does the underlined word "creepy" in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A . Amazing B . Attractive C . Horrible D . Useless
  4. (4) What's the author's attitude towards the implanted computer?
    A . Positive B . Negative C . Objective D . Indifferent
A new study has found no (evidence) proof that sunscreen increases the risk of skin cancer.

    A 4-year old girl named Norah and her new friend Mr Dan have given us the glimmer of humanity we desperately need right now. A chance meeting in the grocery store pushes the 1 of depression aside and ends up changing a life.

    Norah' mother, Tara Wood, wrote on Facebook that her daughter seemed magnetically 2 to the man when they passed by him at the store. So much so that she stood up in the cart and waved 3, "Hi, old person! It's my birthday today! "

    The man's expression 4 and his face lit up when he realized she was speaking to him. "Well, hello, little lady! And how old are you today?" he asked.

    They 5 for a few seconds and it was super adorable. They continued on their way but a few minutes later, Norah asked if she could hug and take a 6 with the man, whom they now call "Mr Dan". They 7 together and then hugged each other like they were long lost friends.

    When she thanked Mr Dan, Wood received a 8 she wasn't expecting. He shed (流下) tears and said, "No, thank you. This has been the best day I've had in a long lime. You've made me so 9, Ms Norah."

    10 by the encounter. Wood later polled the photos on Facebook and that night received a private message from someone who 11 knows Mr Dan.

    It 12 his wife passed away earlier this year, leaving him in deep 13. The friend said she was sure Norah touched his heart, 14 the chance meeting was something he needed.

    Wood got Mr Dan's phone number and called him a few days laler. They met for lunch the following week and have seen each other on numerous occasions 15— even celebrating his 82nd birthday together.

    "You guys, I cannot 16 the friendship between Norah and Mr Dan. I 17 every time they're together — it's so pure, simple and perfect," Wood wrote.

    Hugs can be physical such as those 18 with an intimate partner, family member or friend; or they can be symbolic such as the 19 that someone needs a word of encouragement or a helping hand. Hugs can be the interweaving threads that 20 the fabric of our communities and our society. Hugs are so powerful that they can shake us to the core and wake up the humanity within.

A . ceilings B . curtains C . symptoms D . depths
A . drawn B . led C . dragged D . introduced
A . curiously B . quickly C . excitedly D . greedily
A . darkened B . froze C . betrayed D . softened
A . chatted B . greeted C . gathered D . bargained
A . walk B . picture C . rest D . survey
A . posed B . gathered C . cheered D . clapped
A . present B . comment C . complaint D . response
A . sensitive B . delighted C . logical D . proud
A . Influenced B . Encouraged C . Touched D . Reminded
A . personally B . merely C . gradually D . eventually
A . figures out B . makes out C . brings out D . turns out
A . water B . thought C . depression D . shame
A . predicting B . adding C . interpreting D . claiming
A . before B . yet C . since D . thus
A . develop B . handle C . spoil D . deepen
A . panic B . hesitate C . pray D . cry
A . shared B . confirmed C . identified D . cooperated
A . approval B . promise C . consequence D . recognition
A . produce B . arrange C . strengthen D . rebuild
They must be athletes are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others.
Bob didn’t want to attend Mary's birthday party,so he ________ an excuse to explain his absence.
A . picked up B . set up C . made up D . stood   for

NASA Student Competitions

NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge

    Teams of high school and college students are challenged to design and build a human-powered vehicle to travel across the simulated (模拟的) surface of another world. The course includes 14 roadblocks and 5 tasks, and teams must successfully follow NASA instructions. Each U.S. school may enter up to two teams. For international entries, no more than four teams from each country will be accepted.

    International Team Registration Deadline: July 12

    U.S. Team Registration Deadline: August 16

NASA Lunabotics Competition

    Lunabotics challenges teams to design, build and run their autonomously operated robot, travel through simulated off-world areas and dig the simulated lunar soil. This challenge includes presentations and demonstrations, and a systems engineering paper explaining the methodology the team uses to design and build their robot.

    Registration Deadline: July 18

NASA SUITS Design Challenge

    NASA Spacesuit User Interface Technologies for Students (SUITS) gives students an authentic engineering design experience supporting NASA's Artemis mission—landing American astronauts safely on the Moon by 2024! This activity challenges students to design and create spacesuit information displays within AR environments.

    Proposal Deadline: July 25

2020 BIG Idea Challenge

    NASA's 2020 Breakthrough, Innovative and Game-changing (BIG) Idea Challenge is open to teams of 5 to 20 students. Teams are challenged to submit proposals for sample lunar payloads (有效载荷) that demonstrate technology systems needed for exploration and science in the permanently shadowed regions in and near the Moon's polar regions. Selected teams will receive awards from $50,000 to $180,000 to bring their ideas to life!

    Entry Deadline: August 16

  1. (1) John, a student who is good at designing vehicles, can enter______________.
    A . 2020 BIG Idea Challenge B . NASA Lunabotics Competition C . NASA SUITS Design Challenge D . NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge
  2. (2) What does NASA Lunabotics Competition require of participants?
    A . They need to finish building their robot on July 18. B . They have to complete a course of 5 tasks. C . They need to create their own simulated environments. D . They should write a paper showing how they build their robot.
  3. (3) Which of the following statements about the last two competitions is true?
    A . They both require submitting proposals before August. B . They both ask participants to bring their ideas to life. C . They are both preparations for Moon exploration. D . Both of them will present winners with big awards.
  1. (1) The stream is quite shallow so we can walk across it.

  2. (2) If he is only interested in your appearance, that shows how shallow he is.

I'm collecting money aid of the homeless people.








Forget wearing your heart on your sleeve. It's your hair that reveals what you're really like.

If you want to show your goal-set side, go for a high ponytail. People with this hairstyle tend to be results-driven and logical, according to Jean Haner, a US expert in face reading who wrote The Wisdom of Your Face. When she first came out as an actress, Li Bingbing's looks were often described as fragile, partly because of her long locks. But now, her polished high ponytail has convinced everyone that she is unstoppable and will go to any lengths to achieve her goals.

Wavy hair is attractive to many. But if you have curly hair and all you want to do is straighten it, this usually means your life is too chaotic and you need to calm down. US singer Taylor Swift is a perfect example of this kind. By making hair straight, she's controlling its intensity and giving herself a sense of calmness, according to Cosmopolitan magazine. She may have decided to enjoy herself for a moment after all the ups and downs in her love life.

Want to have more fun in your life? Curly hair may give you away. For those who have straight hair that is always curled, it can mean they're craving for a more interesting life. The theory is that curly hair is more interesting than straight hair and will lead to more exciting experiences. If you don't believe it, take US singer Beyonce Knowles' case as an example. Her curly hairdo presents a more positive and fun image to the world.

If you have a super short wash-and-go hairstyle, you must be super confident. Miley Cyrus is one of those types. Long gone are the days when she was the lovely Disney star who had long wavy strands. Now she has a super short wash-and-go hairdo that is as rebellious as her personality. As she told E-Online, by keeping her hair short, she is speaking on behalf of girls everywhere, breaking the stereotype of more traditional hairstyles.

  1. (1) What can we learn from the text?
    A . High ponytail means being more logical. B . Taylor Swift used to be a lovely Disney star. C . US singer Beyonce Knowles likes straight hairstyle. D . Li Bingbing experienced ups and downs in her love life.
  2. (2) What's the meaning of the underlined phrase "give you away" in paragraph 4?
    A . Attract more fans. B . Bring more money. C . Show your inner secret. D . Stop you enjoying yourself.
  3. (3) If you want to show your super confidence, you are advised to have           .
    A . a curly hair B . a straight hair C . a high ponytail D . a short wash-and-go hairdo
  4. (4) How does the author develop the text?
    A . By giving examples. B . By making assumption. C . By making comparison. D . By quoting wise words.

The spreading COVID-19 has canceled several touring performances from top music artists. But recently, some of these musicians (find) a new place to sing: their living rooms. John Legend, Bono, Pink and Keith Urban are among those who have all live-streamed(直播的) performances from their homes. On Tuesday, Legend sang for nearly an hour in a show  was live-streamed on Facebook and Instagram. "This is  cool way to connect with people and make them feel some kind of love," he said. Legend's performance was in support  the World Health Organization's(WHO) newly-launched(新发布的) online concert series "Together at Hone".

Others have came up with (create) ways to communicate with people. Miley Cyrus started a daily Instagram live talk show, called "Bright Minded: Live with Miley", in order  (lift) people's spirits. Brandon Flowers posted a video of  (he) washing his hands while  (sing) his song "Mr. Brightside". Kevin O'Donnell said, "It's  (extreme) unbelievable to see artists coming together to come up with ways to bring (happy) to their fans given this crazy time that we're living in at the moment.


    Driving to the airport in the early morning. I felt  (excite) because I would spend the summer in Paris. While looking for more interesting things   (do) besides sleeping and eating on the plane, I jumped at the chance to study French in this city  (know) for its art, food, and culture.

    My connecting flight (转机) was in Frandfurt, Germany, 14 hours from Denver. But when I arrived there, a feeling of  (anxious) began to set in. Being in a big, busy building in a country   I could not speak the language made me nervous, as I found my way, I gained confidence. When I boarded the second plane and discovered that the flight was less than an hour, I was filled with excitement.

    When I stepped on foreign ground for the first time, I was   (extreme) happy. I gathered my bags and joined the crowd of people  (wait) for friends and family. I quickly had my first experience trying to communicate a language that I had only practiced in school. As I left   airport, with one sharp turn, the Eiffel Tower came into view. I was finally in Paris.


    My daughter performed on behalf of her class in the school concert today. She played so 1 that I could not help cheering her. The very 2 reminded me of her experiences of piano practicing.

    When she was five, we gave her a piano as a birthday present. With great 3 she began learning it. However, when she was no longer 4 she became sick of it5 it is a tough job to learn the piano, not to mention the daily routine (常规) of6.

    When her first teacher left, my friend7 me to an American teacher whose way of teaching was completely American. After practicing, she would give my daughter some 8 comments, and then point out what should be 9 Every time she came,10 beginning the lesson right away, she would first play some11She said, “To learn the piano, you should learn not only the 12of playing, but more importantly, to13the music and love it.”

    After some time, my daughter became fond of her lessons. Sometimes she 14 would like to 15a little bit when her skill had reached a certain level.

    Surprisingly, my daughter said to me one day, “Mom, I was 16 that you didn't give up my piano lessons. Learning it is like climbing a mountain. You'll feel 17 when you are on the way. When you look18 from where you are, you will realize that you have been making19. But if you 20 you'll never take one more step.” That was the very thing I wanted to teach her.

A . regularly B . smoothly C . carefully D . happily
A . music B . scene C . arrangement D . praise
A . excitement B . pressure C . regret D . unwillingness
A . young B . free C . curious D . cautious
A . After all B . Above all C . In all D . First of all
A . cost B . practice C . education D . show
A . led B . sent C . directed D . introduced
A . usual B . interesting C . good D . humorous
A . explained B . changed C . stopped D . improved
A . as with B . instead of C . except for D . thanks to
A . music B . jokes C . games D . sports
A . levels B . skills C . credits D . secrets
A . create B . follow C . feel D . read
A . once B . then C . still D . even
A . make up B . look back C . show off D . give away
A . nervous B . lucky C . afraid D . astonished
A . tired B . easy C . embarrassed D . excited
A . ahead B . up C . down D . over
A . mistakes B . choices C . progress D . time
A . stop B . continue C . do D . move
这位病人在医务人员的悉心治疗下转危为安,他对他们的无私奉献和严谨的专业态度充满广敬佩。 (overflow)
, I could not bear it.
It is said that body language ________ 55 percent of a first impression while what you say just 7 percent.

A . lies in B . consists of C . accounts for D . goes with

  1. (1) Where will Mr. White be at 11 o'clock?

    A . At the office. B . At the airport. C . At the restaurant.
  2. (2) What will Mr. White probably do at one in the afternoon?

    A . Receive a guest. B . Have a meeting. C . Read a report.
  3. (3) When will Miss Wilson see Mr. White?

    A . At lunch time B . Late in the afternoon. C . The next morning.

Earlier that evening, my mother called, telling me that my brother died in a car crash. I stumbled (跌跌撞撞地走) around the house1what to put into the suitcases. My husband, Larry, and I had been packing for moving to New Mexico. The house was in (a) total2.

I tried to hold my tears. I3picked things up and put them down. I couldn't4. What I'd heard on the phone echoed (回荡) through my head.

Larry phoned a few friends. 5, someone asked to speak to me. "If there is anything I can do, let me know." "Thank you," I replied. I didn't know what to6.

The doorbell rang and I rose slowly for the door. It was Donna.

"I've come to clean your shoes," she said.7, I asked her to repeat. "When my father died, it took me8to get the shoes cleaned and shined for my father's9," she said. I hadn't even thought about shoes.

Shoes were gathered. Donna 10herself on the floor and got to work. The love in the act11 my tears. Watching her12on one task helped me pull my13into order. Laundry first, I told myself. One by one, the jobs fell into place.

Now whenever I hear of an acquaintance's loss of a loved one, I think of one14task that suits that person's15. If the person asks, "How did you know I needed that?" I'd reply, "Because someone did that."

A . forgetting B . imagining C . wondering D . searching
A . damage B . failure C . despair D . mess
A . aimlessly B . helplessly C . quickly D . decisively
A . hurry B . decide C . focus D . move
A . Constantly B . Fortunately C . Suddenly D . Surprisingly
A . call for B . ask for C . talk about D . get across
A . Touched B . Shocked C . Confused D . Amused
A . minutes B . hours C . weeks D . decades
A . satisfaction B . funeral C . smiles D . wishes
A . laid B . stood C . rested D . settled
A . released B . held C . stopped D . caused
A . keeping B . concentrating C . insisting D . depending
A . thoughts B . rooms C . sadness D . luggage
A . specific B . normal C . challenging D . perfect
A . idea B . personality C . identity D . need