
1. 选词填空 详细信息

choose, support, enter, professional
choose, support, enter, professional

【1】Marcus has been working hard because he wants to ______ a famous university.
【2】We should let our daughter make her own ______. She isn't a child any longer.
【3】I'd like to be a(n) ______ singer, but I don't think I've got a good voice.
【4】After thinking about our suggestion for a few days, the manager decided to ______ the project.
2. 选词填空 详细信息

take a test, be strict with, grow up, care about, achieve one's dreams, be serious about
take a test, be strict with, grow up, care about, achieve one's dreams, be serious about

【1】I'm sure you can _________________ if you work hard.
【2】I'm not getting so well with Daddy — he _________________ me.
【3】Most parents _________________ how to provide the best education for their children.
【4】—I will _________________ tomorrow.
—Good luck! I hope you will get an
【5】If parents can spend more time with their children, their children will _________________ with fewer problems.
【6】We must _________ our work because any small mistake may lead to a serious accident.
3. 翻译题 详细信息
【1】我们不反对野营。 (against)
【2】卢克(Luke)曾经有去听音乐会的机会吗? (chance)
【3】孩子们需要在户外活动上花许多时间。 (spend)
【4】努力学习,你最终会成为一名好学生。 (end up)
【5】长时间玩手机会妨碍你的学习。 (get in the way of)