
1. 单选题 详细信息
My aunt married ________ my uncle ten years ago.
A.with B.to
C.in D./
2. 单选题 详细信息
—Did Bill clean the room last night?
—________. He likes making his room clean.
A.Yes, he was B.No, he wasn't
C.Yes, he did D.No, he didn't
3. 单选题 详细信息
I could ride a bike ________ 5.
A.at age of B.at the age for
C.at the age of D.at age for
4. 单选题 详细信息
Can you ________ who broke the window?
A.find B.look
C.look for D.find out
5. 单选题 详细信息
—What's ________ at the cinema?
—A film called Smallfoot.
A.in B.on
C.by D.for
6. 单选题 详细信息
Lu Xun was one of the most famous in China.
A.actors B.players C.writers D.scientists
7. 单选题 详细信息
Han Mei ________ us in the game at last.
A.joins B.join
C.joined D.joining
8. 单选题 详细信息
Mr Green decided _______ smoking last week.
A. stopped B. stops C. to stop D. stop
9. 单选题 详细信息
Children are very happy on June 1st because it is ________.
A.Teachers' Day B.Children's Day
C.Women's Day D.Mother's Day
10. 单选题 详细信息
All my family were very sad because my dog ________.
A.died B.dead
C.dies D.die
11. 完型填空 详细信息
Many people think Confucius(孔子)was a great Chinese teacher. He _______ born over 2, 000 years ago, but people still remember _______ now.
His father died _______ he was only 3 years old. He had to _______ work early to help his mother and the family. Young Confucius was good _______ studying. He visited many famous _______ and learned music, history and sports. Later, he _______ a teacher and started the school. Confucius _______ everyone should go to school. He had about 3, 000 students in his life.
Confucius was not only a great teacher, but _______ a famous thinker. His words are still popular(流行的)today. "A kind person should care for others. Be ________ with yourself, but be kind to others. "
【1】A.were B.was C.are D.is
【2】A.them B.her C.us D.him
【3】A.when B.because C.so D.if
【4】A.leave B.finish C.talk D.start
【5】A.of B.at C.to D.with
【6】A.teachers B.doctors C.managers D.workers
【7】A.married B.liked C.became D.noticed
【8】A.decided B.hoped C.thought D.promised
【9】A.also B.just C.either D.still
【10】A.careful B.strict C.good D.happy
12. 阅读理解 详细信息
Do you like Jay Chou? He is very famous in Asia. His songs are very popular among the students.
He was born on 18th January, 1979 in Taiwan. His mother is a teacher in a middle school. His parents divorced(离婚) when he was 14. He lived with his mother. His mother was very strict with him and wished him a good future.
When he was three years old, his mother found he was good at music. She bought a piano for him. So Jay Chou began to play the piano after school every day. When he was in school, he had friends, but he often liked to be alone listening to music. Soon he began to write songs.
In 1996, he worked as a waiter after he left school. Four years later, he issued(发行) his first album called Jay. He became very famous.
【1】Jay Chou was born in ________.
A.Beijing B.Hong Kong
C.Taiwan D.Guangzhou
【2】His mother is a ________.
A.teacher B.doctor
C.worker D.driver
【3】What did he do at first after he left school?
A.He began to write songs.
B.He worked as a waiter.
C.He became very famous.
D.He bought a piano.
【4】Jay Chou issued his first album called Jay in ________.
A.1996 B.2000
C.2001 D.1979
【5】What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “album”?
A.歌曲 B.演唱会
C.专辑 D.海报
13. 阅读理解 详细信息

This is a story about a monkey. An old man had a monkey. The monkey was very clever. The old man liked him very much. When birds came to the garden, he drove(驱赶) them away. He also helped the old man in many other ways. On a hot afternoon, the old man was asleep in his chair in the garden. A fly(苍蝇) came and sat on the old man's nose. The monkey drove it away. Soon the fly came back again and sat on the old man's nose again. Again the monkey drove it away. Again and again, the monkey became very angry. He jumped up, ran to pick a large stone(石头). When he came back, the fly was on the old man's nose again. The monkey hit it hard with that stone. The fly fell off, but the old man's nose was broken.
Well, many people, even our friends, sometimes do things just like the monkey. They do things too quickly but they don't think much before they do. Maybe they sometimes bring us trouble, though they mean to do something good.
【1】The monkey ________.
A.was always ready to help others
B.could do a lot of things for the old man
C.drove the children away from the garden
D.fell asleep in the garden
【2】What happened when the old man was asleep?
A.A lot of birds came into the garden.
B.The monkey was doing housework.
C.A fly came and sat on the old man's nose.
D.The monkey was looking for a stone.
【3】Why did the monkey get angry?
A.Because he didn't find a stone.
B.Because he was afraid of the old man.
C.Because he couldn't drive the fly away.
D.Because his stone hit the old man's nose.
【4】What's the end of this story?
A.The old man woke up.
B.The old man's nose was broken.
C.The fly was dead.
D.A, B and C.
【5】What can we learn from the story?
A.The monkey can't help us at all.
B.Don't be angry.
C.We can hit the flies with a large stone.
D.We must think carefully before we do things.
14. 任务型阅读 详细信息
Many young people in China know about Celine Dion, a famous Canadian pop singer. She sang the song “My heart will go on” for Titanic (《泰坦尼克号》).
Celine Dion’s hometown was in Montreal Quebec, Canada. She was the youngest of the fourteen children in a musical family. Her large family form(组成) a singing group. They traveled and played folk music(民间音乐). They were famous in their hometown. Celine’s mother wrote her first song for her, and she reocorded it with her brother when she was tweleve years old. Then a local rock manager named Rene Angelil was interested in them. (A)He asked Mrs Dion taking her two children to come to his office. Later he gave strong support (支持) for Celine. (B) in 1994, they were married.
As a singing star, Celine Dion won many prizes (奖) and soon became popular all over the world. She sang at the opening of (在……的开幕式上) the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, in the USA. In 1997, she made the whole world hit (使全世界为之一震) with the song “My heart will go on.”
(1)Many ____ people know about Celine Dion.
(2)Celine’s parents and large family formed a ____.
Celine Dion won many prizes and soon became popular in the world.
(1)How many people were there in Celine’s big family?
(2)Who gave Celine Dion strong support?
15. 单词拼写 详细信息
【1】Do you like the_____ by Li Bai?
【2】My father likes reading____ after supper.
【3】—Do you know what the ____(日期) is today?
—Sorry, I don't know.
【4】Do you want to be a ______(成功的) woman?
【5】We begin school in ______(九月) every year.
16. 用所给单词的正确形式填空 详细信息
【1】June 1st is _____(child) Day.
【2】My father ____(leave) school at the age of ten.
【3】They usually spend some weeks _____(help) the children in the hospital.
【4】Wang Tao _____(not watch) TV last night. He did his homework.
【5】My son finishes ______(read) books.
17. 完成句子 详细信息
___we ______works ___him then.
—When ___he____?
When he___ the classroom, he____ a watch on the ground.
—_______Mark Twain ___at the age of 12?
—He _____for a newspaper.
【5】当他们还是小孩子的时候, 他们来到了中国。
They ______to China ______they_____ children.
18. 短文填空 详细信息
My grandfather was born in a small village in the South of China. He began school at the 【1】(age) of 8. He 【2】(walk) to school every day because there 【3】(be) no bike in his home. At that time there was no television either, so he 【4】(listen) to the radio. He left school at age 15 and 【5】(begin) to work on the farm. When he was 24, he 【6】(marry) my grandmother. They 【7】(have) four children. They stayed on the farm in their 【8】(life). When my father 【9】(leave) the village, my grandparents 【10】(visit) him in the city every year.
19. 书面表达 详细信息





贝多芬Beethoven; 德国的German; 作曲家composer; 聋的deaf; 继续工作go on working; 《第九交响曲》The Ninth Symphony