
1. 看图题 详细信息

1.________ 2. _________ 3. ________

4. ________ 5.________ 6._________ 7.________
2. 单词拼写 详细信息
1. In the west(西方), S_______ is the first day of the week.
2. We go to school from M______ to F_______.
3. There are seven days in a w________.
4. The last(最后)day of a week is S________.
5. W______ follows Tuesday.
3. 情景交际 详细信息
如果你想问“你们星期一做什么?”,应该说: ________( )
A. Do you play basketball on Monday? B. What’s this?
C. What do you do on Monday?
4. 情景交际 详细信息
如果你想说“我喜欢星期六”,应该说:________( )
A. What do you do on Saturdays? B. I watch TV on Saturday.
C. I like Saturdays.
5. 情景交际 详细信息
当别人问你“What do you do on Sunday?”时, 你应该回答:________( )
A. I like Sundays. B. I play computer games and read books.
C. It’s Sunday today.
6. 看图题 详细信息
1.—What do you do on ________.
—I ______ ______.
2. My sister can play ____ _______.
3. —What day is it today?
—It’s ___________.