
1. 详细信息
There are over 400 units in the National Park System of the United States, which include National Parks, National Monuments, National Historic Site and much more. Each of these protects a site of importance, whether it is historic or natural.
Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
Crater Lake is one of the most unique areas in Oregon. Most of the year the park is covered with snow. During the short summer lasting from July to October, visitors can enjoy hiking, camping, fishing, swimming in the lake and even take a boat tour of the lake. During the long winter, which lasts from October to July, visitors can enjoy cross-country skiing.
Great Sand Dunes(沙丘)National Park and Preserve, Colorado
This destination preserves the tallest sand dunes in North America. It includes grasslands, wetlands, forests and more. Visitors can enjoy learning about the diversity of the land while enjoying the beauty of the region. Medano Creek is a great destination in the National Monument and Preserve. Great Sand Dunes is also a fantastic destination for building sand castles and even enjoying some sandboarding.
Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico
On the opposite side of New Mexico from Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Chaco Culture National Historical Park is another great spot to experience New Mexico. Chaco Culture provides access to a wide variety of Chacoan sites. In fact, Chaco Culture National Historical Park has the largest concentration of Chaco ruins outside of Mexico. The park also has a great night sky program.
Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Louisiana
This amazing park has six sites, which feature a different aspect of Louisiana's rich culture and history. The Barataria Preserve in Marrero is a great destination to have outdoor adventures in the amazing wetland. The Chalmette Battlefield is an interesting spot where visitors can learn about the 1812 Battle of New Orleans. Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve also has four visitor centers in different locations. Each visitor center highlights a different cultural and historical aspect of Louisiana.
【1】What can visitors do while visiting Crater Lake National Park in June?
A.Go skiing. B.Build sand castles.
C.Swim in the lake. D.Go for a ride.
【2】What is special about Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve?
A.It is a great destination for camping. B.It has amazingly different ecosystems.
C.It is home to the most complex caves. D.It has the world's tallest sand dunes.
【3】Where can visitors go if they want to explore the wetlands?
A.The Chalmette Battlefield. B.Chaco Culture National Historical Park.
C.The Barataria Preserve. D.Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve.
2. 详细信息
On a drive to my appointment on Halloween, I thought about how life should be going. I was 30, a mother of three daughters — twin five-year-olds and a one-year-old. I should be playing in the park with them or visiting the library. But once again, I needed this appointment.
It had been a year since I’d been diagnosed with cancer. My surgery was over, so it’s just a routine blood test. As always, there was a fear that the cancer had returned. But today, it was more than that. I felt alone, tired, and sad. My family and friends were busy with their lives, and I did not want to burden them with my feelings of unhappiness. I just wanted to see the positive things in life and be truly grateful — without reservations.
When we finally arrived, we sat in a crowded waiting room. It was pretty uneventful (平淡的) until my youngest daughter, dressed up like an angel, walked up to a complete stranger and said, “Tweet.” This was what she said, “Trick or Treat,” coached previously by her twin sisters. The old woman , who was in a wheelchair and accompanied by her caregiver, knew exactly what my daughter meant. She ordered her helper to take her over to the vending machine. She put in enough money to give each of my girls a treat. This caring act started a run on the vending machine. Soon, everyone had a candy bar or bag of chips ready for impromptu trick or treat, which was beyond their expectation.
Everyone was smiling and laughing, and my daughters were extremely happy with their good fortune. Here were these people, facing who-knows-what health difficulties, and they only thought of giving three little girls some Halloween fun. It was a lesson for me about how good, kind and generous people are. The gratitude I felt was overwhelming (压倒性的),and the thankfulness didn't fade away.
【1】Where might the story take place according to the text?
A.In the library. B.In the park.
C.In a hospital. D.At a store.
【2】How did the author feel about that day’s appointment on her way to her destination?
A.She felt excited. B.She was optimistic.
C.She feared the worst. D.She had mixed feelings.
【3】What does the underlined word “impromptu” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Unprepared. B.Initial.
C.Eventful. D.Splendid.
【4】What might be the best title for the text?
A.An Exciting Appointment B.A Special Trick or Treat
C.A Routine Blood Test D.One Special Friend
3. 详细信息
People who are good at growing plants know that it's possible to plant what seems to be a lifeless stick and produce a tree or other kinds of plants. The stick is really what is called a hardwood cutting. From these cuttings, trees, vines(藤蔓) except pine trees can grow. They are called hardwood because the pieces are woody rather than leafy.
Gardeners can expect close to 100 percent success with plants such as grape, gooseberry, privet, spiraea and honeysuckle. However, this method does not work with apple, maple or oak trees, for example. Because they lack leaves, hardwood cuttings are less perishable(易腐烂的) than softwood cuttings.
If you want to develop a green thumb-or get really good at growing plants-start your effort with hardwood cuttings of willow. Willow trees often spread from branches that take root on top of the ground through the winter. Most other plants demand a little more attention.
Autumn is a good time to start hardwood cuttings. First, choose some shoots(新枝) that grew during the most recent growing season-the youngest shoots. Cut the shoots to a length of about 15 centimeters. Make sure you remember which end was up - the end that is farther from the root. Experts do this by cutting the bottoms off directly and the tops at an angle so they avoid mistakes during planting. Then, place the bottom of each cutting into some well-drained(排水良好的) soil.
If you have to plant in the spring, the cuttings need to be kept cool and wet through the winter. The traditional method is to place the cuttings together and bury them upside down in the soil. This lets the bottoms of the cuttings be first to feel the warming effects of spring sun on the ground. Put the cuttings in a closed plastic bag, put a wet paper towel around the bag, and then put the whole thing in another plastic bag.
【1】What can we learn about woody plants according to the text?
A.Gardeners can get 100% success with them.
B.The cuttings from them dry out before roots form.
C.All won’t grow from hardwood cuttings.
D.They’re far less reliable than leafy plants.
【2】Which of the following fits the method of hardwood cuttings properly?
A.Apple trees. B.Oak trees.
C.Pine trees. D.Willow trees.
【3】What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.How to make cuttings. B.When to make cuttings.
C.Where to put cuttings. D.What to mind at choosing.
【4】What does the author stress about cuttings in the last paragraph?
A.The choice. B.The storage.
C.The temperature. D.The seasons.
4. 详细信息
With the summer heat becoming increasingly unbearable over the years due to climate change, the cooling load in the summertime has also been on the rise. Insulation (隔热)is currently the main solution for blocking heat from entering a building, but by applying an additional material that can delay heat penetration(渗透),it can prevent the indoor temperature from rising and in turn lower the cooling load of the building.
A research team in Korea has developed a new material for building walls that can help reduce the penetration of heat from the outside. The team directed by Dr. Sarng Woo Karng from KIST revealed that they have successfully done it through building walls by applying a phase change material (PCM). One of the most common types is paraffin oil, which is used to make candles.
A solid PCM absorbs heat as it transitions into liquid phase, so by using a case to hold it when it is in liquid phase without causing any leakage (渗漏),it is possible to apply them to a building wall to block heat from entering inside.
The problem, however, is that the PCM turns into liquid starting from the outermost layer, and the parts that are hot move upward, while the parts that are still relatively cool move downward. Thus, while the upper part may have completely melted, the lower part will have not, and as a result, heat will penetrate into the building through the area where the PCM is in liquid phase. In the end, the PCM becomes ineffective in controlling the indoor temperature and is rendered useless.
Dr. Karng's team addressed the non-uniform phase change with bubble injections. By injecting bubbles into the bottom part of the PCM enabled uniform circulation (流动)of the PCM in liquid phase. Dr. Karng said, “We expect that the insulating wall using the PCM bubble generator used in this study will contribute to reducing the amount of energy used to heat or cool a building. Insulation techniques using the PCM help reduce heat penetration, in combination with the building insulating material, and it can also be used as the outer walls of zero-energy buildings.
【1】What kind of function do PC Ms serve according to the text?
A.Lowering heat penetration. B.Making the walls stronger.
C.Being used to make candles. D.Perfecting the building walls.
【2】Why is a case used when the PCM is in liquid phase?
A.To test its effect. B.To avoid the risks.
C.To block the heat. D.To stay in shape.
【3】What is the problem when PCMs turn into liquid phase from the solid one?
A.They'll cause heat leakage. B.They'll lower heat penetration.
C.They don't melt evenly. D.They're hard to operate.
【4】What can we infer about insulation techniques using PCMs?
A.They are imperfect. B.They are ineffective.
C.They are low-cost. D.They are environmentally-friendly.
5. 详细信息
Delivering presentations is an everyday art form that anyone can master. To capture your audience's attention, present your information with ease and confidence. Act as if you are in a conversation with your audience, and they will pay attention to you. 【1】
Give it the "bar" test. The "bar" test ensures that your idea is clear and your storytelling is effective. Before you write your presentation, make notes sketching out your message. Think of it as a story, with a beginning, middle, and end. Then ask a colleague or friend who knows nothing about your project to listen to your summary. 【2】
Prepare for nerves. It's important to rehearse in front of people because it will make you less nervous when the time comes. If you tend to get nervous when you give presentations, you can go further during your rehearsals in order to reduce your nerves. 【3】 For instance, if your fear is "I'll forget what I'm saying",you can prepare a plan like, "If I forget what I'm saying, I'll pause, scan my notes, and find the next important point I need to make."
【4】 Smile, raise your eyebrows, and otherwise tell your story through feelings as well as facts. Show your audience your own passion for the topic. Say everything as if you find it interesting and expect them to be interested by it as well. Your enthusiasm will be infectious.
Find ways to make your presentation interactive. 【5】 Ask someone to tell a joke to get you warmed up, or quiz audience members about their experience with something related to your topic. If it's a large group, ask questions that each audience member can answer with a show of hands.
A.Show your emotion.
B.Mind your body language.
C.It's good to think about what you'll do in each situation.
D.If they can summarize your message accurately, that's a good sign.
E.To get this level of fluency, you'd better practice, practice and practice.
F.If you are working with a small crowd, you can talk directly to members of the audience.
G.It may help to start your presentation with a question or a dilemma so they feel involved from the start.
6. 完形填空 详细信息
I awoke suddenly from a deep sleep. My heart was beating heavily, and I was ________ I closed my eyes, hoping to fall back to sleep quickly. But there it was again.
I was _______ . I was going to die soon if I didn't do something! “Swim to the light, ” a little voice said. I started ________I broke through t he surface of the water. I was _______ , and everything was going to be fine.
I got out of bed, afraid that I would have the bad dream again if I went back to sleep. It _______ me all day, making it hard to _______ at work. Over the next few weeks, I had the same _______ several times. I couldn't shake the dream. I became _______ that the dream was mostly about me. The dream was showing me that I needed to fight back and swim to the light.
What was wrong? What did I need to _______ ? The only thing that I could ________ was to make an appointment for a _________ A few days after the appointment, I got a call saying they wanted to do more X-rays. When the ________ came into the room, he moved his chair close to mine and said, “I'm afraid I don't have very good news. ”
There were no tears, just a feeling of _________ “I know,” I said, ________ slowly.
“You do?” the doctor asked in ________, sitting back in his chair.
“Yes, I had a dream, ” I told him ________ . “That's why I came in for a check. ”
It was a long road with surgery, chemo (化疗),and radiation therapy. However, I ________ the dream completely. It gave me ________ and a positive attitude. I fought back, prayed frequently, and finally I________it to swim to the light. Sometimes a dream which is not ________ is like a letter which is not read.
【1】A.excited B.scared C.annoyed D.embarrassed
【2】A.drinking B.swimming C.practising D.drowning
【3】A.struggling B.searching C.running D.researching
【4】A.lost B.curious C.alive D.anxious
【5】A.troubled B.pleased C.comforted D.guided
【6】A.miss B.focus C.escape D.adapt
【7】A.adventure B.appointment C.appetite D.dream
【8】A.confident B.interested C.convinced D.occupied
【9】A.fight B.learn C.acknowledge D.sign
【10】A.get away with B.come up with C.get hold of D.make use of
【11】A.review B.restriction C.check D.explanation
【12】A.guide B.colleague C.partner D.doctor
【13】A.relief B.panic C.curiosity D.affection
【14】A.approaching B.nodding C.whispering D.screaming
【15】A.peace B.anger C.astonishment D.danger
【16】A.cautiously B.casually C.slightly D.calmly
【17】A.realized B.described C.imagined D.trusted
【18】A.hope B.reply C.demand D.desire
【19】A.got B.made C.believed D.guessed
【20】A.refreshed B.accomplished C.interpreted D.shared
7. 详细信息
At Lowe's, the home improvement chain, a "LoweBot” in some stores can answer simple questions, such as where 【1】 (find) items, and can assist with inventory(库存)monitoring. These robots free up workers from routine tasks, thus 【2】(give) humans more time for customer interaction-but that's only the beginning.
The real benefit of retail robots is the opportunity to capture the exact data about the products on the 【3】(shelf) and customer buying patterns, which can increase efficiency and accuracy in inventory management. The key is using retail robots as data - collectors within 【4】Internet-of-Things (loT) , which is best thought of 【5】 a complex network of connected devices, objects, and sensors gathering data that 【6】(analyze) in the cloud or with edge computing.
With robots in stores, retailers already have the beginnings of a whole IoT 【7】(solve).
As the robots move around the stores, they take photos of every shelf and aisle (过道),which are then digitized and converted into metrics and insights about out - of - stock merchandise and pricing.
Such detailed data is 【8】(incredible) valuable in retail,【9】 understanding and anticipating consumer demand is necessary. For example, Stitch Fix, which provides just - for - you clothing choices to shoppers at home, regards 【10】 (it) as its business model, from product recommendation to inventory management and fashion design.
8. 改错 详细信息
假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改同桌写的以下作文。文中共 有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
As we all know, not only can a sweet smile make ourselves happily, but also it enables others feel delighted. Li Ming was on his way to school as he saw an old man, who carried a box and wanted to catch a train on the other day. It seems that the box was too heavy for an old man. So Li Ming helped her with the box. Arrived at the station, the old man smiled, with a thank-you body language signal. To Li Ming's surprised, the man lived in a voiceless world. Without a word, Li Ming responded with a bright smile. This time, smiles was the most beautiful language.
9. 书面表达 详细信息
学生会委托你为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一则英文通知,邀请大家观看电影《八佰》(英文名:The Eight Hundred),内容包括:
2.内容简介:该片讲述在1937年淞沪会战(The Battle of Shanghai )期间,八百壮士在四 行仓库(Four-row Warehouse)为抵抗三十万日军进攻而奋战四天四夜的故事。