
1. 字母题 详细信息
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn

Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt

Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
2. 判断题 详细信息
判断下列单词是否与中文相符,相符的打“√”, 不符的打“×”。
1. old 年老的 (_____) 2. young 高的 (_____)
3. shirt 短裙 (_____) 4. sunny 下雨的(_____)
5. taxi 自行车 (_____) 6 cloudy 多云的(_____)
7. three 二 (_____) 8. coat 毛衣 (_____)
9. living room 厨房 (_____) 10.plate 飞机 (_____)
3. 匹配题 详细信息
bike sweater coat bus skirt dining room strong study sunny
1. 2. 3.
________________ ________________ ________________
4. 5. 6.
________________ ________________ ________________
7. 8. 9.
________________ ________________ ________________
4. 选择题 详细信息
(________)1. A. strong B. jacket C.young
(________)2. A. dining room B. bathroom C.library
(________)3. A. taxi B. shirt C.jeep
(________)4. A. one B.taxi C.five
5. 判断题 详细信息
根据图片判断下列表达是否正确,对的打“√”, 不对的打“×”。
1. 2.
(____)A. I’m young. (____)A. I’m thin.
(____)B. I’m old. (____)B. I’m strong.
3. 4.
(____)A. I go to school by taxi. (____)A. I go to Shanghai by ship.
(____)B. I go to school by car. (____)B. I go to Shanghai by plane.
5. 6.
(____)A. I like my shirt. (____)A. I like my jacket.
(____)B. I like my sweater. (____)B. I like my coat.
7. 8.
(____)A. It’s sunny. (____)A. It’s snowy.
(____)B. It’s rainy. (____)B. It’s cloudy.
9. 10.
(____)A. This is my living room. (____)A. This is my dining room.
(____)B. This is my bedroom. (____)B. This is my living room.
6. 画图题 详细信息
1. 2.
four pink skirts a rainy day
3. 4.
three yellow cars five green ships