
1. 详细信息
Citizen science projects make it possible for you to collect real data that scientists can use in their research. Here are four examples of projects that you can take part in.
FrogWatch USA
Frogs play an important role in their ecosystems, being both predator and prey (捕食者和猎物). So, understanding their populations is one way scientists track wetland health. From February to August, citizens like you listen for the calls of specific species and record them in an online database. To make sure volunteers know what they are listening for, FrogWatch has a network of local chapter coordinators (协调者) who lead the training.
Globe at Night
You wouldn't be the only one wondering about the light coming into your sky from nearby lamps and cities. Scientists have big questions about this too. Globe at Night is an international project that has had volunteers take more than 100,000 measurements in 115 countries. In the past they only enlisted (征募) citizen scientists in the winter and spring, but since 2017 they have set observation dates for the whole year. The project welcomes volunteers who want to help observe light pollution that could affect wildlife, health, and energy consumption.
Did You Feel It?
The “Did You Feel It?” program depends on feedback (反馈) from anyone who feels the shaking or sees any damage as the result of an earthquake. This data helps to produce a map that is available within minutes — and updated rapidly — documenting where shaking and damage are the most intense (强烈的).
GLOBE Observer
If you would rather take your own photos than look through images from a telescope, consider downloading the GLOBE Observer app. This app allows citizen scientists to take photos of clouds for comparison with satellite images. Become an observer and become part of a major source of global human observation of clouds.
【1】Which project trains its volunteers?
A.Globe at Night. B.Did You Feel It?
C.FrogWatch USA. D.GLOBE Observer.
【2】Which of the following describes volunteers' work at Globe at Night?
A.It's done in colder seasons.
B.It's done in wild fields.
C.It's time­consuming.
D.It's eco­friendly.
【3】What does a GLOBE Observer do?
A.Take pictures of clouds.
B.Improve satellite images.
C.Observe the sky with a telescope.
D.Upload cloud change data onto an app.
2. 详细信息

Einstein was not only the outstanding scientist of the 20th century, but also a gifted and enthusiastic musician. He once said that had he not been a scientist, he would have been a musician. “Life without playing music is unthinkable for me,” he said. “I live my daydreams in music. I get most joy in life out of music.”
Einstein’s mother, Pauline, was a talented pianist who brought music to life in the family home. Einstein began to learn the violin at the age of 6. However, he worked hard until discovering the joys of Mozart’s sonatas (奏鸣曲) at the age of 13. From that point on, although he had no further lessons, his violin remained his companion (伴侣).
When Einstein moved to Aarau in Switzerland in 1895 to complete his schooling, he seemed to have devoted a good deal of his time to music. Just before his 17th birthday Einstein played at a music examination in the school. The examiner reported that “a student called Einstein shone in a deeply felt performance of one of the Beethoven sonatas”. In addition to his great skill in playing the violin, he also played the piano and, in particular, loved to improvise (即兴创作).
In later life, Einstein’s reputation as a physicist often led to invitations to perform at benefit concerts, which he generally accepted happily. At one such event, a critic — not knowing Einstein’s real reputation as a physicist — wrote, “Einstein plays excellently. However, his world­wide reputation is undeserved. There are many violinists who are just as good.”
Probably the summary of Einstein the violinist that comes nearest to the mark comes from his friend Janos Plesch, who wrote, “There are many musicians with much better skills, but none, I believe, who ever played with more sincerity or deeper feeling.”
【1】We learn from Paragraph 1 that Einstein ________.
A.had a great love for music
B.enjoyed daydreaming in music
C.had stopped playing music for a while
D.preferred to be a musician rather than a scientist
【2】After discovering the joys of Mozart’s sonatas, Einstein ________.
A.began to create his own music
B.spent a lot of time playing his violin
C.started learning the piano by himself
D.moved to Switzerland to learn the violin
【3】What can we infer from Paragraph 3?
A.Einstein did excellently in the examination.
B.Einstein’s life in Aarau affected his musical taste.
C.Einstein’s performance disappointed the examiner.
D.Einstein practiced the Beethoven sonatas for his birthday.
【4】By mentioning the critic’s words, the author probably wants to show ________.
A.Einstein didn’t live up to his reputation
B.Einstein was also an outstanding violinist
C.Einstein played better than professional violinists
D.Einstein wished there would be more benefit concerts
3. 详细信息
A family is nice to have. Some of us have lots of relatives. Others have just one or two. And some of us live in adopted families. What about wild animals? Some are loners, but many species live permanently in families, just as we do.
When I studied African wild dogs, I saw that each pack consists mainly of grown brothers and their father and uncles. Usually, one unrelated female lives with them. If a dog gets lost, it makes its special “hog­call”, and the others answer. Warthogs also live in families. A common group would be an old mother, her grown daughters, and these daughters' grown daughters with their babies. If these warthogs become separated, they look for one another.
But some other plant eaters seem to have almost no family ties. For example, caribou live in huge herds of hundreds or even thousands of animals. Except for each mother and her baby, these animals do not appear to remember one another. If some of them get lost, the others do not seem to miss them.
An animal can be in great danger if it has no family to help fight off predators (捕食性动物). I once saw a rooster try to defend his chicks from a snake. He was killed by the snake. The wildebeest, which lives in a herd, is on its own when predators strike. That is because a wildebeest herd, like a caribou herd, is just a crowd of unrelated animals that do not know or care about one another. Many times I saw wildebeest mothers standing alone, trying to protect their babies from wild dogs. But in the end, each mother had to flee for her own life.
However, a big family is sometimes a nuisance (麻烦事). The little dik­dik is a tiny antelope that lives in Africa. It has a diet of rare plants and is limited to a small home range. The dik­dik would not find enough to eat if there were too many relatives around. The female leopard, too, lives alone all her life, except while she's raising cubs (幼崽). She usually hunts small animals, which are just big enough to feed her and her cubs, but nobody else.
【1】What would an African wild dog do if it couldn't find its way home?
A.It would let out a special call. B.It would listen to the father's call.
C.It would leave some marks on the ground. D.It would follow the family's unique smell.
【2】What's typical of a warthog group?
A.Females form close circles. B.The oldest one is usually the leader.
C.Young ones are independent of their parents. D.Family members fight off predators on their own.
【3】What usually happens during a mother wildebeest's baby protection fight?
A.Her babies run away from her. B.Predators are scared away.
C.She gets herself killed. D.Her efforts are in vain.
【4】Which of the following can describe dik­diks and female leopards?
A.They are loners. B.They are big eaters.
C.They are peace­lovers. D.They do much for their cubs.
4. 详细信息

Do you have imagination? Do you like to solve problems? Can you? If so, you could be the next great inventor. “But I’m just a kid,” you might say! Don’t worry about a little thing like age. For example, one famous inventor — Benjamin Franklin — got his start when he was only 12. At that young age, he created paddles for his hands to help him swim faster. Finally his creation led to what we know is called flippers!
So you don’t have to be an adult to be an inventor. One thing you do need, though, is something that kids have plenty of: curiosity and imagination. Kids are known for looking at things in new and unique ways.
So what should you do if you have what is a great idea for an invention? Talk to a friend or family member about it. Get input from others about your idea. Then ask them to help you create a working model — called a prototype (原型) — of your idea.
Once you have a prototype, you can test it. Sometimes your idea turns out to be not as great as you thought. At other times, though, you realize it is a good idea and your prototype can help you figure out how to make it even better.
If your idea is really a good one, an adult can help you contact companies that might be interested in it. You will also want an adult’s help to get a patent (专利权) for your idea, so that it is protected and can’t be stolen by someone else. If you need some inspiration, consider these kids and their inventions:
Jeanie Low invented the Kiddie Stool when she was just 11. It’s a folding stool that fits under the kitchen sink. Kids can unfold it and use it to reach the sink all by themselves.
At the age of 15, Louis Braille invented the system named after him that allows the blind to read.
Chelsea Lanmon received a patent when she was just 8 for the “pocket diaper”, a new type of diaper that includes a pocket for holding baby wipes and powder.
【1】By saying “But I’m just a kid”, you probably mean you ________.
A.are too young to achieve anything
B.can do anything though you are young
C.are old enough to become an inventor
D.have to learn knowledge from other people
【2】Which of the following is the right order of an invention?
A.a patent—a prototype—a good idea—an invention
B.an invention—a good idea—a patent—a prototype
C.a good idea—a prototype—an invention—a patent
D.a prototype—a patent—a good idea—an invention
【3】Who invented something that helps the blind to read?
A.Jeanie Low. B.Benjamin Franklin. C.Chelsea Lanmon. D.Louis Braille.
【4】Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?
A.Kids have curiosity and imagination
B.There are some world famous inventors
C.Kids are exactly like adults in a way
D.It is possible for kids to be inventors
5. 详细信息
There is an old Spanish proverb which states, “Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.” 【1】 Too many. But our dreams should not and cannot wait.
Tomorrow is not promised.
Nobody likes to talk about death, but the reality is that everybody will die someday. None of us know the day. 【2】 Don’t go to your grave with unfinished dreams. Make the decision to go after every dream, big or small, right now.
The world is waiting for your gift.
The world is waiting for you. 【3】 Sure, other people may be able to sing, but they’ll never be able to sing exactly like you. Sure, other people can write, but they’ll never be able to write from the same point of view in which you write.
You can dream about writing a great novel, but it’s never going to happen unless you actually put pen to paper. You can dream about finding a cure for cancer, but it will never happen unless you actually go to school to become equipped with the necessary tools to find that cure.
You can’t let fear win.
One of the biggest dream killers is fear. There are so many people who could have achieved amazing things if they weren’t afraid. Just think about all the things you’ve wanted to do, but allowed fear to convince you that you weren’t capable or good enough. 【5】 You can choose not to let fear stop you from achieving your dreams.
A.Therefore, today is all we have.
B.Dreams don’t work unless you do.
C.Remember that fear is just a choice.
D.You were born into the world with a unique gift.
E.You will be much happier if you go for your dreams.
F.There are so many opportunities and people waiting for you.
G.How many times have we put off our dreams until tomorrow?
6. 完形填空 详细信息
My son has been in hospital again, this time with an emergency admission. He was _______ in an ambulance from our local health centre to the children’s hospital.
In this country, all ambulances are driven and manned by firemen and it was no _______ this time. While one fireman drove, the other was in the back with me and my son. He started _______ my son as soon as he was carried in, asking him whether he’d prefer English or Portuguese.
When my son _______ either of them, the fireman requested speaking English so that my son could _______ it with him. Of course, that gave him plenty of _______ to draw my son’s attention to offering “tuition (学费)”-It was just a joke. The pair of them chatted for the full hour. _______, he had been assigned the task of keeping my boy _______. He did so so skillfully that our son didn’t _______ that I was tearing along with lights flashing.
Actually, the back of an ambulance is a ________ place for me, and then I got sick and had to open the window a little. It was cold, so this absolutely wonderful guy took his own jacket off and ________ it around our son’s head and neck.
These excellent guys ________ with us during check­in procedure, and finally ________ when I made sure that my husband was on his way in the car.
I can’t be ________ enough to the firemen. They’re our firemen, and they are all ________, of course.
【1】A.treated B.sent C.protected D.limited
【2】A.exception B.pity C.excuse D.problem
【3】A.chatting with B.catching up with C.spying on D.looking down upon
【4】A.refused B.abandoned C.said D.appreciated
【5】A.practise B.remember C.write D.forget
【6】A.feelings B.courage C.loss D.opportunities
【7】A.Obviously B.Abruptly C.Frequently D.Selfishly
【8】A.asleep B.upset C.awake D.reliable
【9】A.fear B.regret C.ignore D.realize
【10】A.pleasant B.horrible C.safe D.private
【11】A.wrapped B.wiped C.threw D.delivered
【12】A.parted B.debated C.stayed D.agreed
【13】A.remained B.recovered C.burst D.left
【14】A.beneficial B.calm C.rude D.grateful
【15】A.enemies B.heroes C.employers D.engineers
7. 详细信息
China has been selected to host the World Skills Competition in Shanghai in 2021—an event that it hopes to use for building a stronger team of skilled workers nationwide and to improve international 【1】(exchange) in technical skills. 【2】(host) the event will help guide the whole society to respect the spirit of skilled workmanship. It will also help create 【3】 social atmosphere of respecting labor and admiring skills. China has 165 million skilled workers, including 47.9 million 【4】 are classed as highly skilled. They were first classified by the government in 2003. They were included as one of the major State­level talent groups along with theoretical scientists in 2015, 【5】(mark) a significant rise in their social status.
China’s 【6】(early) modern skills training can date back to the Qing Dynasty. It was in 1866 【7】 the Foochow Shipbuilding Institution in Fujian Province was established. In 1978, the adoption of the reform and opening­up policy highlighted a shortage of 【8】(talent) technicians. 【9】 a result, the number of students at technical institutes rose sharply. More recently, technical education 【10】(receive) greater support from the central government to help shape the nation’s producing power. Every year, more than 100 million people have access to technical education and training.
8. 书面表达 详细信息
假设你是李华, 你的美国朋友Jack 来信询问你校开展的“光盘行动”(Clear Your Plate Campaign)的有关事宜。请根据提示给他写一封回信。
内容包括:“光盘行动”的目的;2.“光盘行动”后学生的变化;3. 你的体会。
Dear Jack,
How is everything going?
Li Hua
9. 书面表达 详细信息
In the far away land, there was a beautiful kingdom with its unique rule. The rule said, everyone may become the king, with all of his rights to govern the country for five years. After that he must be caught, his body will be tied and he will be thrown away to a remote island where the jungle is thick and there are plenty of wild animals and no human.
Then, one by one, people became the king. The first man said, ‘‘Ok, I'm ready to be the king." And he became a king for five years. What he did in his five years was enjoying his position. He threw big parties, went to many beautiful places, married many women, collected many luxurious things and did other things that pleased himself Those were all he did and he never prepared anything for his future. Until one day the time came. One morning when the king woke up, suddenly strong soldiers came to his palace and said, " We came here under the order of constitution. Now it's time for you to be thrown away to the remote island." The king wasn't surprised but he felt that time passed by too fast. He had enjoyed himself in the past five years but now he had to accept his destiny with tears in his eyes. The soldiers sent him to the dangerous island and left. All they heard was the voices of the wild animals and the long scream of the former king; and then silent again.
Every other king was the same until a young man came and declare his wish. By the constitution he was granted his wish. He would be a hug for five years before being thrown away to the island. But if other kings would follow their passion for having fun, he didn't. The king was always seen to be thinking.
Paragraph 1
And not very long after that, he made a surprising decision. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Paragraph 2
Finally the time came when the king had to be thrown away to the island. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________