
1. 详细信息
1.∕glæd∕ ______
2.∕dʒu: n∕ ______
4.∕´ɜːl ɪ∕______
5.∕´hev ɪ∕______
2. 详细信息
1. Where’s Su Yang? She’s _______ (help) Miss Li in the office.
2. Helen _____ (pick) up the pencil and gives it to David.
3. You ______ (should) read in bed. It’s not good for your eyes.
4._______ make any noise. Keep quiet at once.
5. My birthday is on the ______ (three) of July.
6. “No photos”______ we should take photos near the birds.
7. Do you like ______ (horse)?
8. Many ______ (child) like ice creams.
9. Yang Ling is a _______ (China) girl.
10. Miss White asks us to follow _____ (she).
3. 详细信息
1. mean that does sign what(连词成句)
_______ does that sign _______?
2. It is the first of March. (就划线部分提问)
_______ _______ is it?
3. I’d like some cakes. (改为一般疑问句)
_______ _______ like some cakes?
4. There is a pair of socks on the bed. (改成复数句)
There _______ some _______ of socks on the bed.
5. I go to the cinema at the weekends. (改为过去式)
I _______ to the cinema _______ weekend .
4. 详细信息
Lu Yu is my best friend. She is twelve years old. We’re the same age. She studies in Class Three, Grade Five. She is short and a little fat. She has small eyes. Maybe she isn’t beautiful, but she studies hard. From Monday to Friday she has many classes. Her favourite subject is Chinese. She likes reading. After school she always goes to read in the library.
【1】I’m twelve years old. (________)
【2】Lu Yu is in Class Five, Grade Three. (________)
【3】Lu Yu is very fat. (________)
【4】Lu Yu is a beautiful girl. (________)
【5】Lu Yu likes Chinese best. (________)
5. 详细信息
Ben is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week. He wants to give some presents to them. Yesterday he went shopping with his parents. In the shop, he bought a blue sweater and black trousers for his grandfather and some good books for his grandmother. Both his parents thought they were very good presents. Ben was very happy.
【1】Where are Ben’s grandparents? ( )
A. In London B. In New York. C. In Nanjing.
【2】What did Ben do yesterday? ( )
A. He visited his grandparents.
B. He went shopping with his friends.
C. He went shopping with his parents.
【3】How many people went shopping yesterday? ( )
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
【4】He bought________ for his grandmother. ( )
A. a blue sweater B. black trousers C. some books
【5】When is Ben going to visit the grandparents? . ( )
A. Next week B. Next month C. Tomorrow
6. 详细信息
We are ________ ________ English lesson.
How many________are_________in your school?
What’s wrong ________ you? I’ve got a ________.
Do you have any ________ ?Yes,I do.I like ________.
What would you like ________ your birthday ________?