
1. 详细信息


He likes playing _______ chess. He wants to join _______ chess club.

A. the; the      B. the; /         C. /; the          D. /; /

2. 详细信息

My friend can’t speak Chinese well. He asked me to help him _______ it.

A. at           B. on           C. in            D. with

3. 详细信息

They _______ at the school gate tomorrow afternoon.

A. meet                        B. met

C. are going to meet      D. are meeting

4. 详细信息

She is going to exercise to _______ in shape.

A. get          B. make          C. take            D. stay

5. 详细信息

I want to help him, but I can do _______.

A. nothing       B. anything       C. something       D. everything

6. 详细信息

We don’t know the way to the park. What about _______ the policeman for help.

A. ask          B. to ask          C. asked           D. asking

7. 详细信息

My parents want me _______ the English club. They think it can improve my English.

A. take part in    B. to take part in    C. to join          D. join

8. 详细信息

He’d like to _______ to his friend’s home and tell him the news.

A. come out      B. come over       C. come down      D. come up

9. 详细信息

 _______ of his parents are interested in climbing mountains.

A. All           B. Both            C. Every          D. Each

10. 详细信息

—Would you like to go to Danny’s birthday party?

—_______, but I have an important meeting.

A. I’d love to      B. No             C. I can’t         D. I don’t want to

11. 详细信息


Last Sunday was fine, Mike    1    stay at home. He was on a    2    to the zoo.

A woman with a baby got on the bus. Mike stood up and    3    to her, “Come and sit here, please. ” He helped the woman    4   . “Thanks     5  , good boy, ” the woman said. “You’re welcome, ” said Mike.

The bus went on. Thirty minutes later, it   6   at the zoo. Mike got off the bus and said    7    to the woman. The woman smiled(微笑) at him in a friendly way.

Mike went into the zoo.    8    of the people there were students. He  9   a lot of animals, and he also took many photos. He spent a happy weekend   10   he helped others and had a good time in the zoo.

1. A. wasn’t         B. isn’t           C. doesn’t          D. didn’t

2. A. way           B. zoo            C. bus             D. bike

3. A. spoke          B. said           C. told             D. talked

4. A. go for          B. get on         C. sit down         D. lie down

5. A. a little         B. a lot           C. a bit             D. a lot of

6. A. stop           B. stops          C. stopped          D. stoped

7. A. hello          B. goodbye        C. yes             D. good morning

8. A. Most          B. Each           C. Every           D. All

9. A. met           B. looked          C. saw            D. read 

10. A. and          B. but             C. when           D. because

12. 详细信息


Good health is very important. Everyone should do all he/she can to stay healthy. Being in good health means having both body and mind in good order and being free from illnesses and pains.

Good food, plenty of water, cleanliness and plenty of rest all help in keeping our body working as it should. Food does many things for our bodies. It gives what we need for keeping good health. It gives us energy for working and playing. No food gives everything we need, so we should eat different kinds of foods. Having enough to eat is not the same as having the right food.

The water we drink helps wash away wastes inside our bodies. It also makes up for the water we lose when we perspire(出汗). More than half of the body is actually water.

We feel better and look better when we are clean. A bath every one or two days is a good habit for most of us. Brushing our teeth is an important part of keeping clean and healthy.

Sleep is the best kind of rest. Growing children need more sleep than grown-ups.


(    )1. We are healthy when both our mind and body work well.

(    )2. We should have foods of different kinds because different foods taste different.

(    )3. We drink water in order to make up for wastes in our bodies.

(    )4. We can have the best rest when we are sleeping.

(    )5. The passage is about how to be healthy.

13. 详细信息


1. No one knows what our life will be like in the f _______.

2. Mary won the first p _______ in yesterday’s singing competition.

3. I’m going to study hard this term. I want to i_______ my grades.

4. As a dancer, it’s very important to stay in s _______.

5. He can’t go anywhere w _______ his running shoes.

14. 详细信息


active,      visit,        help,        two,        you

1. He came to the city as a _______ this time.

2. He is very young, but he is very _______.

3. The teacher explained the problem _______, but we still couldn’t understand it.

4. No one can help you. You must do it by _______.

5. The _______ is so boring. I don’t want to take part in it.

15. 详细信息


1. 上星期我和很多孩子交上了朋友。

I ______ ______ ______ many children last week.

2. 同时,他还拍了很多照片。

______ ______ ______ ______, he took many photos.

3. 到公共汽车站有五个小时的路程。

______ five hours ______ ______ the bus station.

4. 他们急于到火车站去。

They are ______ ______ ______ to go to the train station.

5. 你愿意和我一起吃午饭吗?


16. 详细信息


1. We are going to hold a party this Sunday. ( 对画线部分提问)

______ ______ you ______ ______ ______ this Sunday?

2. He did something useful after class. (改为一般疑问句)

______ he ______ ______ useful after class?

3. He will teach us English. (改为否定句)

He ______ ______ us English.

4. The book is very helpful. (改为感叹句)

______ ______ the book is!

5. Mary is good at making flowers. (改为同义句)

Mary ______ ______ ______ making flowers.

17. 详细信息


请以“A Busy Sunday”为题写一篇短文,介绍一下你的周末活动及感受。词数:不少于70个。

A Busy Sunday


18. 详细信息


A. But you should(应该) exercise more and keep healthy.

B. I just watch them on TV. I don’t like exercise.

C. What do you usually do on weekends?

D. Where do you play sports?

E. What sports do you like?

F. Basketball, baseball and swimming are my favorites.

G. I play sports every day.

A: Hello, Bill.    1    

B: I love sports.

A: Really?    2    

B:    3    

A: Wow, you’re really a great sportsman.

B: Oh, no, I’m really not. I don’t play those sports.    4    

A: Is it so?    5    

B: Thank you. I’ll start my exercise soon.