
1. 详细信息


FH   B. BF      C. AH    D.CU

2. 详细信息

A.   “()篮球英语缩    .

A. BBC              B. CBA              C. NBA              D. WTO

3. 详细信息

—Look! It’s            ID card. Yes,         ID card is mine.

A.  a, a              B. a, the           C. an, a            D. an, the

4. 详细信息

—Hi, Lucy. Is that your          —Yes, he is. He’s my aunt’s son.

B.   uncle             B. cousin           C. brother          D. sister

5. 详细信息

This is          father, Mr. Miller.

C.  Tim and Jim       B. Tim’s and Jim   C. Tim and Jim’s   D. Tim’s and Jim

6. 详细信息

—  is he?         He’s my father.

D.  What              B. How              C. Who              D. Where

7. 详细信息

—Sue, is this your sister’s radio?

No, it isn’t.      is green.

E.   Mine              B. Hers             C. His              D. Yours

8. 详细信息

—Cindy, is the key in the library yours? Please     Mr. Smith for help.

—OK, thanks.

F.   have              B. ask              C. spell            D. thank

9. 详细信息

—Are these your friends?

          . They are my sister and brother.

G. Yes, these are    B. No, these aren't C. No, they aren't  D. Yes, they are

10. 详细信息

—Hi, David. Have a good day!

H.  I’m OK.          B. Yes, I am.       C. Thanks. You, too. D. Me, too.

11. 详细信息


阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从 ABCD 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you! My name 1   Alice Smith. My  2name is Alice. I am            3English girl. I am 13 years old. Look, 4    is this? It’s a photo

    5  my family. These are my parents and this is my  6 , Linda. She is 9 years old. My mother is a teacher in a7    . My father is a teacher ,too. My pen is purple, and Linda’s ruler is8    , too. Our telephone number is 826-9167. You can9      us at it. I love10  family.

1.A.am                 B.is                C.are               D.be

2.A.last               B.family            C.first             D.full

3.A.an                 B.the               C./                D.a

4.A.What               B.Where             C.How               D.Who

5.A.in                 B.at                C.to                D.of

6.A.sister             B.mother            C.friend            D.daughter

7.A.picture            B.photo             C.school            D.family

8.A.purple             B.green             C.black             D. white

9.A.call               B.thank             C.help              D.ask

10.A.me                B.mine              C.I                 D.my

12. 详细信息

阅读下列材料,从所给的 ABCD 四个选项中,选出符合材料意思的最佳选项。

My friends like to ask for help or get help on Wechat. Now they put some information(信息) on it.


1.The baseball is       .

I.    in the library    B. in the classroom C. in the computer room D. in Class 234

2.Who lost their things?

J.    Bob, Alan and Jack                    B. Jack, Alan and Jason

C. Jason, Jack and Bob                  D. Jason ,Bob, and Alan

3.If you find a schoolbag, you can call  .

A. 3541679          B. 8974588          C. 2315649         D. 6755321

4.In Jack’s pencil box, you can see  .

a key   a white watch    a black pen     an ID card

A.①②              B.②③              C.①③              D. ③④

5.Which of the following is TRUE(正确)?

K.  Jack is in Class 332.                

L.   B. Bob’s watch is white .

C. You can ask Mr. Hanson for the key.  

D. Jason lost his schoolbag in the library.

13. 详细信息

Mary is cleaning(打扫) the rooms. What can she see?

1.The hat on the sofa is    .

M. Mary’s           B. Mary’s father’s                    C. Mike’s D. Mary’s mother’s

2.Mary’s mother’s watch is   .

N.  black            B. white            C. brown            D. yellow

3.The underlined word mess means  in Chinese.

A.  整洁            B.脏乱              C.  美观            D.  破旧

4.About Bobo, we know that     .

O.  He is Mary’s brother                 B. He’s in Mary’s parents’ room.

C. He’s a black dog.                   D. He is under the bed.

5.The passage(短文) is mainly(主要)about   .

P.   Mary’s and her parents’ rooms       B. Mary’s family

C. Mary’s dog                          D. Mary’s school things

14. 详细信息

1.Look! Jane’s      are in Classroom 5E.

2.I’m a girl. I’m my parents’   .

3.I lost my watch. I must    it.

4.—Is this dictionary yours?

—No, it’s    , Mary’s.

5.My sister and I     in China.

15. 详细信息


Dear Tom,

How are you? I am   1    (健康的). Thank you for your help. My last name is Zhang. I am nine. I have a nice  2     (茶杯). I like it very much. It’s 3     (总是) on my desk. But I can’t find it this 4     (早上). My brother is Zhang Lei. He is     5     (). He is in a 6        (蓝色的) jacket. He has 7      (一些) books. But he is not a 8      (整洁的) boy. His books are everywhere. What 9      (关于) you? Please       10      (发邮件) me at zq892@qq.com.

Zhang Qiang

16. 详细信息

补全对话 从方框中选择正确的句子补全对话。

Helen:   1   

Mum: They are under the desk. Helen:    2

Mum:     3

Helen: Thanks, Mum. Mum:    4

Helen: My raincoat? 5     Mum: Bye.

17. 详细信息

Good afternoon! I 1.       (be) Jim Green. This is 2.      map of China. It is mine. 3.                 color is it? It’s green. You can 4.        (see) a jacket. It’s green, 5.  . Green is my favorite color.

18. 详细信息

假设你是 Bob Brown,作为一个新生,请根据所给的材料写一篇短文向新同学介绍一下你 自己、你的朋友还有你的物品。

要求: 1.用上表格内所有内容,可适当发挥。

2.词数:40-60 词左右。开头、结尾不计入总词数。

Hello, everyone! My name is Bob Brown.