
1. 详细信息


Tony works ________ than Jacky.

A. more careful     B. most carefully  C. more carefully   D.much carefully

2. 详细信息

 Jacky Chan is one of ___________ in the world.

A. better stars   B. best star     C. the best stars      D. the best star

3. 详细信息

 He often goes to work ______ subway. 

A. by         B. on                 C. in       D. at

4. 详细信息

 Did you read Romeo and Juliet? Its writer was ____________.

          A. Bill Gates   B. Stephen Hawking  C. William Shakespeare   D. Lu Xun

5. 详细信息

 He had breakfast and __________ his office in the morning.

          A. left     B. left for    C. went    D. went for  

6. 详细信息

The girl is ______ the sun .

A. lieing in            B. lying under     C. lying in  D. lieing under

7. 详细信息

You can see ________ birds in the park

A. two thousands    B. thousands    C. two thousand of   D. thousands of

8. 详细信息

Washington D.C. is the capital of America, _________ it is smaller than New York.

          A. so          B. but         C. and          D. or

9. 详细信息

 Betty________at four in the afternoon the next day.

          A. got to       B. arrived in    C. reached       D. arrived

10. 详细信息

It ___________me half  an  hour  to  walk  to  school.

          A. take       B. spend        C. takes         D. spends

11. 详细信息

There is going to ________ a class meeting tomorrow.

                 A. is              B. has           C. be            D. have

12. 详细信息

 It’s    unfriendly   ________others.

A. point  at      B. to point  out     C. pointing at      D. to point at

13. 详细信息

 _______is it from your home to school?

   It’s five kilometers .

A. How  long       B. How  far      C. How   many     D. How often

14. 详细信息

How many parts does a newspaper article usually have?

          A. A headline     B. background        C. Latest news   D. all the above

15. 详细信息

 Didn’t your friends play computer games yesterday?

   ______________. They watched TV yesterday.

A. Yes, they didn’t     B. No, they did    C. No, they didn’t   D. Yes, they did.

16. 详细信息

 I don’t think we can live _________ plants! If the plants die, we will all die.

A. with          B. as       C. without        D. not have

17. 详细信息

Who was called “ China’s first astronaut ” ?

A. Yao Ming     B. Yang Liwei      C. Yuan Longping   D. Zhan Tianyou

18. 详细信息

 He  is  only______ 8-year-old   boy.

A. an              B. a           C. the         D. /

19. 详细信息

No one  _________ speak English badly.

 A. want     B. wants   to   C. want   to     D. wants

20. 详细信息

I _______ her  carefully, but I _____ nothing.

A. listened, heard              B. listened  to, heard  

C. heard, listened  to          D. heared , listened

21. 详细信息

It is morning in New York now. It is ________ in London.

A. morning     B. midday     C. evening     D. midnight

22. 详细信息

Which of the following is not in Beijing?

A. the Great Wall                   B. the Forbidden City 

C. Beijing siheyuan                  D. Tower Bridge

23. 详细信息

There are many holidays in China. Which holiday is in May?

A. National Day            B. Spring Festival

C. Labour Day              D. Teachers’ Day

24. 详细信息

You can find many ________ stars in Hollywood.

A. movie      B. basketball      C. football    D. table tennis

25. 详细信息

What do you think of Bill Gates?

A. rich       B. friendly    C. clever      D.  A. B and C.

26. 详细信息


1. England is a ____________(地区)of Britain.

2. The mountains are about 1,000___________ (米)high.

3. Shanghai is __________(大)than Hong Kong.

4. I _________(也)like running.

5. Skiing is _____________(危险的)than running.  

6. I think the yellow coat is __________(好)of all.

7. The _____________(距离) from the school to the station is two miles.

8. Mr. Wang is a _____________(教授)of Beijing University.

9. His two sons were very_____________(淘气的)at school.

10. The __________(地铁)is very crowded.                    

11. My father finished __________(看)newspapers just now.

12. Mery does her homework ___________(粗心).

13. He  sits  _________(后面)me.

14. They are going to go  __________(自行车)this afternoon.

15. Who is your____________(好)friend , Li lei, Jim or Wang?

16. It’s ____________(著名)ferry in the world.

17. My parents _______ I live in a house _________ my grandfather.(和)

18. He ________ a beautiful sister _________ long hair.(有)

27. 详细信息


1. Will  there be a computer on the desk in the future?(作否定回答)

____________,_______________    __________.

2.She is going to have dinner soon .(划线部分提问)

What is she____________ __________ ___________soon?

3.She doesn’t like tigers because they are dangerous.(划线部分提问)

_______  ________ she like tigers?

4. He goes to school five days a week.(划线部分提问)

________ __________ ________ he go to school?

5.Tom is seven, Jim is  eight. (用比较级改写句子)  

Tom is ________  ________   Jim.

6. Jim spent two hours watching TV last night.(划线部分提问)

________ ________ ________ Jim ________ watching TV last night?

7. Jenny didn’t read anything.(同义句)

Jenny __________ _____________.

8. I don’t like summer and winter. I like spring a little. I like autumn very much.(改成最高级)

I like autumn ___________ of all.

28. 详细信息



China is _________ ____________the Great  Wall.

2. 这个星期天你们打算去打篮球吗?

______you  __________ ___________ play basketball this  Sunday?

3. 你的启蒙老师怎么样?

________ ________ your first teacher _________?

4. 对于老人来说学习英语更困难。

It’s  __________ ________ ________old  people  _________ _______ English.

5. 你认为昨晚电视上关于詹天佑的那部电影怎么样?             

What ______ you _______ ______ the film ______ Zhan Tianyou _____ television last night?

  6. 明天将会有雨。

There will _________ ___________ tomorrow.

  7. 请代我向你的父母问好。

Please _________ hello ___________ your parents.

29. 详细信息


______ you often _________up at six? Yes, I do. But tomorrow it is Sunday. I ________ up at seven. I like __________ up late on Sunday. get

Lingping ___________ not come here last year. He ______comehere two years ago.

Do you enjoy _______livein China? Yes, but I _______leaveChina next year.

There are a lot of things _______doin Beijing.

We are looking forward to _______visitBeijing.

Listen, the boys __________singvery well in the classroom.

I spend an hour ___________readEnglish every day.

Chinese people are good at ________playtable tennis.

_________ski is very dangerous.

30. 详细信息


How are you ? It is very nice __1__ you to write __2__me. From your letter I know a lot __3__your school. Now I __4__ you know something about me and my school . I am thirteen years old. I am in Class One ,Grade One. My father is a __5___. He teaches English. My mother is a doctor. She works in a __6_. I __7__early and __8__English. Our school is big. It has 2,000 students and 200 teachers. All the teachers and students work ___9_. Please come and have a look _10__ our school if you have free time.

    1. A. of           B. on               C. for                    D. to

    2. A. from        B. of               C. in                     D. to

    3. A. of           B. for              C. about                D. to

    4. A. let           B. say              C. talk                 D. know

    5. A. teacher   B. worker       C. student             D. doctor

    6. A. school    B. hospital       C. factory            D. hotel

    7.A. go to bed  B. have lessons  C. get up          D. come here

    8. A. look        B. see             C. watch              D. read

    9. A. hard        B. hardly       C. careful               D. fast

    10. A. at          B. in              C. on                    D. to

31. 详细信息

When you are in England, you must be very careful in the street because the traffic drives ____1_  .   2_  you cross the street, you must look to the right first and then the left.

If the traffic lights(交通灯)_  3_ the traffic must stop. Then the people __4__can cross the road carefully. If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can__5__. People on foot mustn’t cross. In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or come from work, the streets are very_  6_  . The traffic is the most dangerous then.

When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too. Always __7__the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. __8__first, or you will go the wrong way.

In many English__9__, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city very well. How__10__!

    1. A. on the left         B. on the right      C. in the middle    D. over there

    2. A. After              B. Later              C. Because              D. Before

    3. A. is red             B. are red             C. is green             D. are green

    4. A. by bus            B. by car             C. by road             D. on foot

    5. A. across            B. go                   C. past                   D. walk

    6. A. busy              B. clean                 C. small                  D. dry

    7. A. remember      B. forget                C. see                   D. get

    8. A. Have a look at   B. Have a look  C. Look at            D. Look to

    9.A. country            B. countries          C. city                 D. cities  

    10.A. dangerous        B. expensive        C. careful          D. interesting

32. 详细信息


I live in a small town near Xing’an in Guilin. You can’t see it on the map of China, because it is too small. The air here is fresh. There are not many tall buildings in our town. The best building is in our school. There are four hundred students and twenty-five teachers in our school. In the front of the school, there is a playground. I often play basketball with my classmates on it . There is a little garden behind our school. And we can grow beautiful flowers and plant trees in the garden. Next to the garden, there is an orange orchard(果园). You can hear birds singing everywhere. There is a river not far from our school. In summer, we usually go swimming with our teachers in it. We study Chinese, English, math and other subjects at school. The teachers are very nice. We love our school.

    1.The writer lives _________.

        A. in a small town               B. in the city of Guilin

        C. in a village                   D. in a tall building

    2. There is ______ in the front of our school.

        A. a river   B. a tall building  C. a playground  D. a garden

    3. The students often ____ in summer.

        A. play basketball   B. plant trees C. grow flowers D. go swimming

    4. People can hear ____ singing here and there.

        A. students   B. birds    C. cows    D. teachers

    5. What is the best title of the passage ?

A. The garden     B. A Small Town    C. Our School     D. The Best Building

33. 详细信息

There are four season in a year: spring, summer autumn and winter.

Spring is the best season of the year. The weather gets warmer and the days get longer. The crops begin to grow. The trees turn green and flowers come out.

Summer comes after spring. It is the warmest season. It often rains and the crops grow fast. The best sport in summer is swimming. Children often go swimming in rivers and lakes.

Autumn is a busy season. The days get shorter and the nights get longer. It is harvest time. The farmers are busy. They are getting in the crops.

Winter is the coldest season of the year. Sometimes it snows and the fields are all while. Skating is the best sport in winter. Many boys and girls often go skating. But the farmers are still busy. They are getting ready for the next year.

    6. How many seasons are there in a year?

       A. Three     B. Four   C. Five     D. six

    7. What is the weather like in spring?

       A. Hot      B. Warm     C. Cold   D. Cool

    8.Which season comes after spring?

       A. Spring     B. Summer    C. Autumn     D. winter

    9. What sport is the best in winter?

       A. Cycling   B. Skiing    C. Skating   D. Swimming

    10. What are the farmers busy doing in winter?

A. They are busy getting in the crops.

      B. They are busy getting ready for the next year.

        C. They are busy planting trees and flowers

D. They are busy doing sports.