
1. 详细信息


-While John_____ the piano, Mary ___ the house.

  - Really, didn’t she like his performance?

   A. played  left                        B. was playing  left 

   C. was playing  was leaving    D. played   was leaving

2. 详细信息

-Who’s the Monkey King? 

 - He’s the main _____ in Journey to the west .

   A. actor       B. object        C. character        D. tourist

3. 详细信息

-Canada is a lot ______crowded  than China .

   -That’s true. The population in China is larger than _____ in Canada.

 A. more  it               B. less   one 

 C. more, those            D. less   that

4. 详细信息

-_____you ____ my watch, Tom? I can’t find it now.

   -Yes, I ____ it 5 minutes ago.

   A. Do see     saw             B. Are seeing   see   

   C. Have seen   saw            D. Will see     see

5. 详细信息

-Please ____the kids to get up quickly, or they’ll be late for school.

   --Don’t you know today is Saturday .

   A. make       B. let      C. hurry      D. pull

6. 详细信息

-How did Lucy hurt herself?

   -She ____ a big tree because she was reading while walking.

  A. walked over    B. walked into   C. fell into    D. ran over

7. 详细信息

- I ______ with the new iphone6s at the first sight of it.

   -So you bought it though your parents didn’t allowed.

  A. came up     B. got on     C. caught up      D. fell in love

8. 详细信息

Every year ,a large number of people die_____ car accidents.

   --That’s true, because of being drunk or careless.

  A.  from   B. out   C. away   D. down

9. 详细信息

-Where’s your father, Tom?


   A. He’s reading          B. He will come 

  C. He is very well        D. He’s gone to work

10. 详细信息

-Could you tell me how to get success in study, Ms. Zhang?

   -To make a small goal and try to ___ it every week, and then another,

week by week, you’ll make it .

  A. imagine    B. remain   C. compare   D. achieve  

11. 详细信息

Please _____ the last one to lock the door when you leave.


  A. challenge   B. cheat   C. remind   D. protect

12. 详细信息

I have never been to the space museum.

   - _____ . let’s go there this weekend.

  A. So have I    B. Neither do I   C. Me too    D. Me neither

13. 详细信息

 What happened over there?

   -Wow , heavy smoke is _____ from the building.

   A. raising   B. filling   C. rising   D. blowing

14. 详细信息

-_______ to ask me anything on today’s Great Wall tour.

   -How long is the wall?

  A. Feel fresh   B. Fall asleep   C. Feel free   D. Fall ill

15. 详细信息

-Which woman is Mrs. Brown?

   -_______ of the two women is her.

   A. The beautiful   B. The more beautiful  C. More beautiful       D. The most beautiful

16. 详细信息


Every year on my birthday from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia栀子花was sent to my house. But no card or note came with it . Calls to the flower- shop were always    1   .After a while I stopped trying to   who the sender is and just  3     the beauty and nice smell of that one magical, perfect white flower lying in 4 pink paper.

But I never stopped  5  who the giver might be. My mother offered to take part in these imaginations . She asked me if there was someone for whom I had done a special 6  who might be showing thanks . I had more fun imagining that might be a boy I fell in love with or one who had 7  me even though I didn’t know him.

One month before my high-school graduation, my father died. I felt so 8  : my dad was missing some of the most important events in my life. I became completely in my coming graduation, the senior class play and the graduation party. But my mother ,in her own sadness, would not let me 10    any of those meaningful things. Mother and I had gone shopping and found an beautiful dress, but it was the   11  size. When my father died , I forgot about the dress.

The day before my party, I found that dress--- in the right size ---over the living room sofa. It was presented(呈现) to me so lovingly. I didn’t 12   if I had a new dress or not at all . But my mother did. She wanted her children to feel 13   , filled with a sense that there was a beauty even in the face of 14   . In truth, my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia ---lovely, strong and perfect---with an aura of magic and perhaps a bit of mystery.

My mother died ten days after I was married. The following year the gardenia stopped 15  .

1. A. useful                      B. helpful                  C. useless                 D. hopeful

2. A. lose                         B. realize                   C. check                         D. find out

3. A. enjoyed                 B. pleasant                     C. pleasing                     D. satisfied

4. A. hard                       B. loud            C. soft                            D. heavy   

5. A. thinking                 B. remembering            C. imagining                  D, recalling

6. A. kindness                 B. job             C. thing                         D. happiness

7. A. missed                       B. watched                     C. noticed               D. hated

8. A. happy                           B. sad                        C helpless                D. angry

9. A. uninterested        B. interested                  C. unhappy                   D. down

10. A. think                            B. miss                       C. remember          D. forget

11. A. wrong           B. false                         C. proper                 D. right

12.A. hope                            B. wonder                C. want                          D. care

13. A. loving           B. loved                       C. raised                         D. fed

14.A. sorry                       B. problem               C. happiness                 D. sadness

15. A. coming          B. growing                 C. following                    D. reaching

17. 详细信息

1.    The material above is a _____ for Expo Milano 2015.

A. poster                          B. guidebook

C. webpage                         D. noticeboard

2.    Expo Milano 2015 lasts _____ and is open for _____ every day.

A. half a year; 13 hours                                B. 5 months; 13 hours

C. six months; 10 hours                                D. 5 months; 23 hours

3.    _____ kinds of tickets are introduced here for Expo Milano.

A. Three                   B. Four                       C. Five                        D. Six

4.    SPECIAL DISCOUNT isn’t suitable for _____.

A. the disabled                                        B. children aged 13 or less

C. students over 26 years                        D. old people aged over 65

5.    Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Visitors are able to save money if they buy SEASON PASS.

B. Parents with children may probably choose FAMILY PACKAGE.

C. Visitors with EVENING TICKET can enjoy delicious food.

D. Visitors with FAMILY PACKAGE can enter through a special gate.

18. 详细信息

Mr. and Mrs. Turner live outside a small town. They have a big farm and they are always busy working on it. Their son, Peter, studied at a middle school. The young man studied hard and did well in

his lessons. It made them happy.

 Last month Peter finished middle school and passed the entrance examination (升学考试). Mrs. Turner was very happy and told the farmers about it.

 Yesterday morning the woman went to the town to buy something for her son. On the bus she told one of her friends how clever and able her son was. She spoke very loudly. All the people in the bus began to listen to her.

 Which university (大学) will your son study in? a woman next to her asked.

 In the most famous university in our country! Mrs. Turner said happily.

 The most famous university?

 Oxford University (牛津).

 Most of the passengers (乘客) looked at her carefully. Some of them said to her, Congratulations!w   w w .x k b 1.c o m

 A woman said, I'm sure hell know Fred Smith.

 Whos Fred Smith?

 Hes my son.

 Does he study in the university, too?

 No, said the woman. He is one of the professors.

1. The story happened in _______.

   A. America   B. France   C. Germany   D. England

2. Mr. and Mrs. Turner were happy because _______.

   A. their son did well in his lessons   

B. they have a big farm

  C. they have a good harvest

D. their son studied at a middle school

3. Mrs. Turner wanted everyone to know _______.

   A. her son finished middle school

   B. her son was handsome

   C. her son was going to study in a university 

  D. her son was very friendly to others

4. Mrs. Turner spoke so loudly in the bus that _______.

  A. her friend could hear her

B. all the people could hear her

  C. she hoped to make all the people happy

D. she hoped they would say congratulations to her

5. Which of the following is true? _______.

  A. The woman wasn't interested in Mrs. Turner's words

B. Mrs. Turner knew nothing about the famous university

  C. The woman wanted to stop Mrs. Turner from showing off (炫耀)

  D. The woman next to Mrs. Turner wanted to show off her son, too

19. 详细信息

It was Monday. Mrs. Smith’s dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house. Thinking about that there was no better way Mrs. Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it: “Give my dog half a pound of meat.” Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently: “Take this to the butcher (屠夫), and hes going to give you your lunch today.

Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butchers. It gave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the lady’s handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to. The dog was very happy, and ate the meat up at once.

At noon, the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper again. After reading it, he gave it half a pound of meat once more.

The next day, the dog came again exactly at noon. And as usual, it brought a piece of paper in the mouth. This time, the butcher did not take a look at paper, and gave the dog its meat, for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers.

But, the dog came again at four oclock. And the same thing happened once again. To the butchers more surprise, it came for the third time at six oclock, and brought with it a third piece of paper. The butcher felt a bit puzzled. He said to himself, This is a small dog. Why does Mrs. Smith give it so much meat to eat today?”

Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there were not any words on it!

1. Mrs. Smith treated(对待) her little dog quite ____.

A. badly        B. fairly          C. kindly     D. unfriendly

2. It seemed that the dog knew well that the paper Mrs. Smith gave it ____.

A. might do it much harm.      B. could do it much good

C. would help the butcher        D. was worth many pounds

3. The butcher did not give any meat to the dog ____.

A. before he felt sure that the words were really written by Mrs. Smith

B. when he found that the words on the paper were not clear

C. because he had sold out all the meat in his shop

D. until he was paid enough by Mrs. Smith

4. From its experience, the dog found that ____.

A. only the paper with Mrs. Smith’s words on it could bring it meat

B. the butcher would give the meat to it whenever he saw it

C. Mrs. Smith would pay for the meat it got from the butcher

D. a piece of paper could bring it half a pound of meat

5. At the end of the story, you’ll find that ____.

A. the dog was clever enough to write on the paper

B. the dog dared not go to the butchers any more

C. the butcher was told not to give any meat to the dog

D. the butcher found himself cheated by the clever animal

20. 详细信息


Filled with      fit     due     deepest   succeeded    full of




1 .The prince knew that unless the girl’s foot could ______ the shoe, it was not the right girl.

2. The first woman who ______ in reaching the top of Qomolangma was Junko Tabei from Japan.

3. Jack’s birthday is ______ in two days , have you bought anything for him.

4. The Caspian is the _______ of all the salt lakes.

5. Treasure Island is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island ______ treasure.

21. 详细信息



    I am Jackie Lee, an American Chinese. Let me tell you about my grandfather's life story.

    My grandfather was b  1 in 1932 and grew up in a poor village in Fujian, China. At the age of 14, he first heard of America. It was said to be the land of gold and poor people could easily become r  2   there.

    So, my grandfather came to America. "I had thought it was easy to m  3   money in America," he told me. "But when I  a 4  in Los Angeles, I realized it was not true. I couldn't find a good job because I spoke little English. I wanted to go to a language school to learn English, b   5   I couldn't afford it. Later, I worked in a small r 6  , serving the guests, cleaning up the tables, washing the dishes and sweeping the floors. I was s  a helpful and honest worker that my boss was pleased with me. I was p   8  with my workmates, too. Life became easier and in the end I entered an evening school to learn English."

My grandfather kept working hard , and finally he r his dream. Things do not come easily in life. That is what I have l  10   from my grandfather.