
1. 详细信息


Jack bought      useful book .      book is also very interesting .

A. an ; The        B. a ; The         C. an ; A          D. a ; A

2. 详细信息

 It’s      time since we met last .

A. one and half month’s    B. one and a half months

C. one and half months’    D. one and a half months’

3. 详细信息

 My father found      in the city of Beijing .

A. a work     B. works       C. a piece of works    D. a piece of work

4. 详细信息

Are those      ? No , they aren’t . They are      .

A. goats ; deers    B. goats ; deer      C. goat ; deer   D. goat ; deers

5. 详细信息

I’d like some peaches . Please give me the big      .

A. ones        B. one          C. those            D. these

6. 详细信息

There is       water in the teapot . Would you please go and get      , Linda ?

A. few ; some    B. few ; any    C. little ; some    D. little ; any

7. 详细信息

This digital camera is so expensive that I can’t          it .

A. carry        B. use          C. join      D. afford

8. 详细信息

This is      book . Where is      ?

A. her ; your     B. mine ; hers     C. his ; yours     D. ours , his

9. 详细信息

Travelling by train is much      and far      than a rushed trip by air .

A. cheap ; enjoyable    B. cheaper ; more enjoyable 

C. cheaper ; enjoyable   D. cheap ; more enjoyable

10. 详细信息

Mike was      . He didn’t have      to buy a coat .

A. poor enough ; enough money      B. enough poor ; money enough

C. enough poorly ; enough money     D. poorly enough , money enough

11. 详细信息

After a bright lightening , the lights suddenly      . All the girls shrieked .

A. went on        B. went over      C. went down     D. went out

12. 详细信息

 When      that the meeting was put off ?

A. were you told   B. did you told    C. will you tell    D. did you tell

13. 详细信息

His uncle      in Tianjin since he came back to China .

A. has lived      B. had lived      C. lived         D. is living

14. 详细信息

The Jacksons have      in New Zealand for about ten years .

A. come       B. got           C. arrived         D. been

15. 详细信息

Do you mind      ? Go ahead .

A. to close the window          B. your closing the window

C. my closing the window       D. I closing the window

16. 详细信息

 Lily hasn’t written to him yet , for she doesn’t know      the letter .

A. to begin    B. beginning       C. how to begin     D. how beginning

17. 详细信息

Can you tell us      ?

A. where have you gone    B. where you have gone

C. where have you been    D. where you have been

18. 详细信息

Ji Wei came to say goodbye      me because he would leave      England . 

A. to ; for       B. for ; to     C. to ; to      D. for ; for

19. 详细信息

Must the students leave here at once ? No , they      have to .

A. mustn’t       B. can’t             C. do not     D. needn’t

20. 详细信息

Miss Liu is still single , she      .

A. is not marry B. had not been married C. was not married D. is not married

21. 详细信息


Everywhere , you will always find “ the white-haired boy ” . He gets special treatment , as if he were above everybody else . You will find him in school , in college , at home , or where you work .

In school , he is teacher’s pet , her darling who can do nothing wrong . Sometimes she lets him do little jobs for her . He comes to class in the morning , all shiny and clean . He is always raising his hand , ready with an answer to teacher’s questions , and he knows all the answers . He gets into your hair , especially if you are at the bottom of the class and the teacher thinks you are stupid . How you hate him .

At college , he walks-more often strides-across the school grounds as if he owned them . Sometimes he wears a colorful football or basketball shirt or sweater , with a bright red , or green or yellow college letter proudly worn on the front of it . What broad shoulders , what muscles he has ! He makes the girls happy by just smiling at them . He has the mark of success on him .

At home , he is mother’s choice , her favorite . Sometimes , he is the oldest son-at times , the youngest . If you are in between , you are out of luck .

“ What does he have that I haven’t got ? ” You ask yourself the same question from time to time . Then you discover that there are others who share your feelings .

Finally , there comes a day when you decide to stop hating him . Is it perhaps because he has been made boss and you find yourself working for him ?

1. From the passage we can know that “ the white-haired boy ” is       .

A. a boy with white hair        B. a boy treated with favor

C. a very bright boy           D. a more experienced boy

2. In the second paragraph , the sentence “ He gets into your hair ” means      .

A. make you angry            B. he hurts you      

C. he plays a joke on you       D. he pulls your hair

3. Which of the following is considered to be the most unlucky child at home ?

A. The first-born child .        B. The last-born child .

C. The middle child .          D. The only child .

4. In the last but one paragraph , the writer indicates that “ the white-haired boy ” is      .

A. loved by all people          B. unpopular among ordinary people

C. easy to get along with        D. often misunderstood by others

5. You will stop hating “ the white-haired boy ” when      .

A. you find he is your boss      B. he makes you boss

C. you get on well with him     D. you understand him at last

22. 详细信息

If you wish to become a better reader , here are four important points to remember about rate , or speed , of reading :

1. Knowing why you are reading-what you are reading to find out–will often help you to know whether to read rapidly or slowly .

2. Some things should be read slowly throughout . Examples are directions for making or doing something , arithmetic problems , science and history books , which are full of important information . You must read such things slowly to remember each important step and understand each important idea .

3. Some things should be read rapidly throughout . Examples are simple stories meant for enjoyment , letters from friends , items , or bits of news from the local paper , telling what is happening to friends and neighbours .

4. In some of your readings , you must change your speed from fast to slow and slow to fast , as you go along . You need to read certain pages rapidly and then slow down and do more careful readings when you come to important ideas which must be remembered .

1. According to the passage , your reading speed depends on      .

A. whether the reading material is interesting or not

B. what you are reading and the time you can offer

C. what your purpose in reading something is

D. whether the information concerns(与…有关)the hometown

2. If one wants to be relaxed by reading , one should take up      .

A. an enjoyable story book        B. a book on science and technology

C. business letters from work      D. some material full of information

3. Which of the following readings should you read slowly and carefully ?

A. Fairy tales .                  B. Aesop’s Fables .(伊索寓言)

C. Product directions .            D. An evening paper .

4. In suggestion 3 the word “ items ” means      .

A. useful objects   B. pieces of news   C. test questions D. local papers

5. Which of the following can best express the main idea of the passage ?

A. How to decide your reading speed  B. How to raise your reading speed .

C. How to know your reading skills .   D. How to choose your reading materials .

23. 详细信息

It was almost two . A cold wind had come up over the lake . As a black cloud moved across the sun , Walt , a small boy , looked up . “ I smell a storm , ” he thought .

Shorty , a man of forty , had gone into town . He had said he would be back before two . He had told Walt to watch the boats and the shop . There were no people around . They had all gone out on the lake to fish .

So Walt went to work on one of the boats . From there he could hear the telephone if it rang . And he could watch the door .

It was a little after two when a stranger came . Walt saw him stop by the shop . The stranger looked in for a minute . Then he went down to the boats . He was a big man in a coat .

Walt called to him , “ Do you want something , sir ? ”

The stranger looked at Walt and said , “ No , thanks .” Then the stranger moved slowly away . As he went on , he looked at the boats one by one .

Walt sat there with his eyes on the back of the stranger’s coat . He thought , “ I can smell something just as I smell that storm . I hope Shorty will come soon . ”

1. What does the sentence “ I smell a storm ” mean ?

A. I’m told there will be a storm .    B. I feel that there is going to be a storm .

C. I like something in the storm .    D. I hope to have a storm .

2. Why did Walt stay on the boat ?

A. Because there were no people around .

B. Because Shorty had gone shopping .

C. Because Shorty had asked him to watch the boats and shop .

D. Because Shorty said he would come back before two .

3. What do you think of Walt ?

A. He was slow . B. He was weak .  C. He was strange . D. He was careful .

4. Which of the following is true ?

A. The stranger came to see Walt .       B. Some people lived around the shop .

C. Walt worked far away from the shop .  D. The stranger came to see Shorty .

5. What did the Walt think at the end of the story ?

A. Perhaps trouble would happen around the shop .   

B. The stranger would not return again .

C. Shorty would not come back soon .

D. The storm would come soon .

24. 详细信息



Lin TaoHello , Bill ! You know , you don’t look very well .           1

BillNo , not really .

Lin TaoI’m sorry to hear that .                    2

BillNothing serious . I just have a bit of a headache .

Lin Tao                3

BillYes , I went to see Doctor Li this morning and he gave me some medicine .

Lin Tao               4

BillYes , I took it just a moment ago .

Lin TaoMr. Li is a good doctor .                  5

BillI hope so . By the way , where is our teacher ? I have to ask for sick leave .

Lin TaoShe has gone to the office .

BillThank you .

25. 详细信息

JoyceWhere are you traveling to , James ?

JamesTo Paris .

Joyce                      1

JamesBy bicycle .

JoyceBy bicycle ? From Tianjin ? That’s a long trip .

JamesYes , I know . It’s nearly 20,000 kilometres .

Joyce                       2

JamesPerhaps about more than half a year .

JoyceHow many of you are making the trip ?

James                             3Liu Ja and Sun Li are Chinese , Ed is Canadian , Chuvikov is from Russia , and I’m from France .

Joyce                             4

JamesWe are trying to collect money for a wildlife project .

Joyce                             5

JamesThere’ s a very important Chinese deer called the milu deer . We want to give some money to this project so that the number can be increased .

JoyceThat sounds a great idea . Wish you a happy and lucky trip .

JamesThanks a lot .

26. 详细信息



This morning a crowded train was travelling south towards London . When it was traveling at 60 miles an hour , a carriage caught fire . Black s    1came from under the carriage . On English trains there is a steel chain . When someone pulls the chain , the train will come to a s    2. When the passengers saw the fire and the smoke , one of them q    3pulled the train . As the train was s    4down , people opened the doors and j    5off the carriage .

Not far away Mr Allan was driving to work . As soon as he saw the burning carriage he c    6the fire department on his mobile phone .

Firemen from several towns came to f    7the fire . One of the firemen found a girl by herself in a carriage . She was too f    8to move , so he carried her out of it . Nine ambulances took 30 passengers to the nearby h    9. Some had h    10themselves when they jumped off the train , and some had been seriously burnt .

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