
1. 详细信息


-We are allowed to go to            park to have a picnic..

         -Really? What           good news!

         A. a; the          B. the; an       C. the; a        D. the; /

2. 详细信息

-Mrs. Lin is going to see his son in the UK without telling him.

        -Really? That'll give him a big           .

         A.kiss    B.chance    C.gift   D.surprise

3. 详细信息

-Which do you prefer, milk or tea? -           . I like juice.

         A.Both       B.All       C.Neither    D.Either

4. 详细信息

-When did the accident happen?

        -It happened          9:15           the morning of April  lst, 2015.

         A. on; in          B. at; in        C. at; on        D. on; on

5. 详细信息

The bread is delicious. It must taste           with some jam(果酱) in it.

         A.good      B.better    C.well     D.best

6. 详细信息

-Can you follow me, Jason?

        -Sorry. I can          catch what you said. Could you say it again?

         A.nearly     B.hardly    C.almost    D.really

7. 详细信息

-Do you often watch Grade One on TV?

        -Sometimes. It's an interesting program, but I          I am a singer.

         A.prefer     B.want     C.know    D.review

8. 详细信息

-Look! The man at the gate            be our teacher. He is always  standing there every morning.

         -No, it          be him. He is having a meeting in the office now.

        A. must; can't       B. must; mustn't       C. can't; can't    D. can; couldn't

9. 详细信息

Smoking is bad for your health. You'd better          .

        A. Pick it up         B. set it up          C.look it up      D. give it up

10. 详细信息

-Have you finished using my dictionary?

        -Yes, I put it back on your desk just now. Who          it away?

       A. will take       B. is taking      C. took       D. has taken

11. 详细信息

The Disneyland Park in Shanghai          in a few years.

       A. will complete              B. will be completed

       C. has completed             D. is completed

12. 详细信息

-Shall we go for a picnic in the forest park tomorrow?

          -Yes,           it rains heavily.

       A.if'    B.unless     C.until    D.when

13. 详细信息

          energy, we should tum off the lights when we leave a room.

       A.Save      B.Saving      C.Saved    D.To save

14. 详细信息

-Lily likes watching the program           is called Running Man a lot?

        -So do I. Especially I like Deng Chao best.

        A. whom       B. whose       C. which        D. who

15. 详细信息

-Fan Bingbing and many other stars will come to our city.

        -Really? Could you tell me          ? I can't wait to see them.

        A. when will they arrive           B. when they will arrive

        C. why they came                D. how would they come

16. 详细信息



    One summer evening as I was cooking dinner, there was a knock at the door. I  1   it to see a really bad-looking man. But his voice was  2 as he said,"Good evening. I come to see if you have a room for just one night. I came for a treatment this morning from eastern shore,  3  there's no bus till next morning." He told me he had been hunting(寻找) but with no  4 . I told him we would find him a bed, but to rest on the porch (l'门廊). I went inside and prepared dinner. When we were ready, I asked him if he would like to  5  us. "No, thank you. I had plenty."     6   I finished the dinner, I went out to talk with him. It didn't take a long time to see this old man had oversized(过大的) heart crowded that tiny body. He told me he fished for a living to help his daughter, her five children, and her husband  7  was ill and too weak to do anything. At bedtime, we put a bed in the  8 room for him. On his next trip, he brought a big fish and some fresh oysters(牡蛎) as a gift. And for years, there was  9 a time he came without some fish or vegetables from his garden.

      I know it was thankful for our family to know him, from whom we learn what was to accept the bad without a complaint and the good  10  thanks.

(    )1.A.opened  B.felt     C.painted       D.repaired

(    )2.A.boring  B.angry    C.terrible       D.pleasant

(    )3.A.so     B.and      C.when        D.if

(    )4.A.dinner  B.job      C.success       D.problem

(    )5.A.call    B.join      C.invite        D.visit

(    )6.A.After   B.Before    C.While       D.Whenever

(    )7.A.whom    B.which     C.what       D.who

(    )8.A. students  B. children   C. children's   D. students'

(    )9.A.always    B.never     C.often       D.still

(    )10.A.for      B.with      C.without     D.from

17. 详细信息


    Mary is a lovely, quiet girl. When she was a little girl, she had no secrets from her mother, who was very pleased with her. But since last year she has become a little mysterious and not as open as before. She wants heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter. But they never happen. And a gulf opens between them. Her mother wonders if she falls in love, It's too early for a girl of her age. After all, she is reaching the "dangerous stage". These thoughts have caused trouble in the mother's mind.

    One weekend her daughter came to tell her mother that she was going to the cinema with her classmates and would return late. This was the first time her mother agreed and she began to worry because her daughter had never been away at night before. The mother waited until nine and couldn't fall asleep. Then she decided to go out to meet her daughter. Just at that moment, she heard the noise of a car and hurried to the window---there was her daughter, waving good-bye to a boy. Her heart missed  a beat. When the daughter came in, the mother was watching TV, pretending(假装) nothing happened. "Mum, I'm back." "Yeah," "Sorry to be late."

    The daughter said nothing about the film and the boy. The mother really would like to know something about them, "Who is that boy?" Daughter was stunned(发愣) for a moment, "Ah, it's my monitor.  He gave me a lift on his way home.  Mum, I'm going to bed. "The daughter answered in careful words. "All right. Go to sleep early."

    The next morning when the mother went to her daughter's room to do some tidying, she found her diary left on her bed. After a few minutes' hesitation(犹豫), she opened it to the right page. It reads, "Mum, it's love that made you ask, but it would  show your understanding of me if you hadn't."

    Holding the diary, the mother fell into thought.

(    ) 1. Why did the mother feel her heart miss a beat?

        A. Because she had an illness.

        B. Because her daughter came back with a boy

        C. Because it was too late.

        D. Because there was something wrong with her heart.

(    )2. Why was the mother worried?

        A. The mother was much worried about her daughter's coming back late.

        B. The mother felt worried about her daughter's study.

        C. The mother worried about her daughter's health.

        D. The mother worried about whether her daughter had fallen in love with                  somebody or not.

(    ) 3. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

        A. Mary's mother didn't agree Mary to go to the cinema at night this time.

        B. Mary was still as open as before.

        C. Mary told her mother the truth of her going out.

 (    )4. We can infer from the last sentence that            .

        A. She was worried.

        B. She was afraid of her daughter.

        C. Her daughter didn't believe her.

        D. She was thinking deeply about her daughter's words in the diary.

(    )5. What would be the best title of the passage?

        A. Worried mother and her love.

        B. Should teenagers tell their parents everything?

        C. Love or understanding?

        D. A girl wants to get her mother's love.

18. 详细信息

    Much meaning can be shown clearly with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.

    Do you have such kind of experience? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too long. And if he is sensing that he is being stared at(盯着看), he may feel uncomfortable.

    The same is in daily life. If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is something wrong with you.  If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward others' stare at you that way. Eyes do speak,  right?

    Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and unkind. However, the normal eye contact for two people in a conversation is that the speaker will only look  at the listener from time to time in order to make sure that the listener does pay  attention to what the former is speaking, to tell him that he is attentive.

    If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, as if he tries to make you believe him, you will feel uncomfortable. A poor liar usually shows himself by looking too long at the other person, since he believes in the false idea that to look   straight in the eye is a sign of honest communication. In fact, it's the other way round.

    The other person will feel uncomfortable and find out his lies.

(    ) 1. If you sense a stranger looking at you for more than ten seconds, how will you feel?

        A.Proud       B.Nervous     C.Happy      D.Relaxed

(    ) 2. Why can't we stare at other people, especially a stranger?

       A. Because it's necessary.                 B. Because it's rude.

       C. Because it's unnecessary.               D. Because it's uncomfortable.

(    ) 3. What's the right way in a conversation with other people?

       A. The speaker should tell the listener that he is attentive.

       B. The speaker should look at the listener continuously.

       C. The speaker should look at the listener from time to time.

       D. The speaker should avoid eye contact with the listener.

(    ) 4. The underlined word "the other way round." probably means

       A.完全相反        B.完全正确       c.没必要         D没道理

 (    ) 5. What is the passage mainly about?

       A. Eyes can speak.

       B. We can't look at other people for too long in any case.

       C. Looking at the other person at times means you don't care about him.

       D. Looking straight in the eye is a sign of honesty.


(    )1. If Zhao Kai is only free on the evening of May 2, he can enjoy          .

      A. Haydn's Trumpet Concerto         B, the Spanish Ballet

      C. a Chinese opera                  D. Mozart's Flute Concerto

(    )2. Mr. Johnson likes the Spanish ballet very much, so he can go to          to  see it.

      A. Tianqiao Theater             B. the National Grand Theater

      C. Chaoyang Theater            D, Poly Theater

(    )3. Where is Tianqiao Theater?

      A. At 36 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District

      B. At 14 Dongzlumen Nandajie, Dongcheng District

      C. At 30 Beiweilu, Xuanwu District

      D. At 30 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Dongcheng District

(    )4. If Jane wants to buy a ticket to enjoy a concert by Chinese musicians, which number should she call?

      A. 8315-6200          B. 6506-8116       C, 8315-6300      D. 6500-1188

(    )5. Where can you enjoy all the entertainment in the city?

      A. Shanghai       B. Tianjin      C. Beijing        D. Nanjing

19. 详细信息

Spanish Ballet

   The Spanish Ballet will tour our country and its classical repertoires will be

shown in Beijing.

Time: 7:30 p.m., May 2-3

Place: Chaoyang Theater, 36 Dongsanhuan Road Beilu, Chaoyang District

Tel: 6506-8116

Chmese Opera

    A new production of Kunqu Opera (a traditional Chinese opera in China's

Jiangsu Province) is now on in Beijing.

Time: 8:00 p.m., May 5

Place: Tianqiao Theater, 30 Beiweilu, Xuanwu District

Tel: 8315-6300

Wonderful Concert

    Musicians ofthe Chinese National Symphony Orchestra will hold a concert in

Beijing. We can enjoy Mozart's Flute Concerto in G Major, Haydn's Trumpet

Concerto and works by the Chinese composer Chen Qigang.

Time: 7:30 p.m., May 6

Place: Poly Theater, 14 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Dongcheng District

Te : 6500-1188

20. 详细信息

    Do you ever feel you are just running from one activity to another? In school, do you rush from one subject to another?

    1.           It is important to stop yourself every now and then (偶尔) to think about what you've been doing or learning.

   Self-reflection(反省) means slowing down and calming yourself, including calming your mind. By being calm and going slowly, you give your brain(大脑) a chance to think about what it has already received.

    2.           Others keep diaries or notes. Either method works, depending on your own personal learning.

    3.           This makes it easier to begin self-reflection. Look for time when you con p~ete a unit of study in the subjects you are learning. Sometimes you know the unit is over because there is some kind of test. Use these natural breaks to stop and do self-reflection.

    4.          You can even be sitting at your desk at school when you finish something early Write down some notes on the new things that you've learned in the unit. Think about the notes you have written down and make some connections.

    5.           Maybe you have learned a new way to work out a maths problem, but you re not sure when to use it. Writing down your questions will help you remember to look for answers the next time you are working with the same topic.

   Self-reflection is important for a successful student. If you have never spent time doing self-reflection ,try it now.


A. Find a quiet place.

B. Next, think about things that you are not sure of.

C. School textbooks are divided into units of study.

D. Some people prefer to do it only in their mind.

E. When things happen so fast, it is easy to get lost.

21. 详细信息


other  old  usual  so  of  forget  remember  have  father  shop  problem  another


 Each nation  1 many volunteers who help to take care of others. They read  books to the people in hospitals or homes for the aged. Sometimes they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their  2  .

    Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or  3  They paint, clean up, build their houses or do their  4 .

For boys who no longer have  5  , there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take boys to baseball games or fishing  places and help them to get to

know things that boys  6  learn from their fathers.

    Each city has a number of clubs,  7 boys and girls can go to play games or learn crafts (工艺).  Some of these clubs organize short trips to the mountains, beaches, or other places  8  interest nearby. Most of these clubs use high school or

college students as volunteers because they are young enough to  9  the names of boys and girls.

Volunteers believe that the happiest people in the world are those who help bring  happiness to   10  .

22. 详细信息



A: Hello, Mark! You look unhappy. 1.                         ?

B: I argued with (争吵) my parents last night.

A:2.                                             ?

B:I got my report card yesterday,I did badly n math. My parents got angry with me.

A: That's too bad. 3.                                 .

B:I know. But I really don't know how to   improve it .

A: 4.                                       .

B: That's great. Thanks a lot.

A: You're welcome. 5.                                           ? They just hope you

  can do your best.

B: OK, I will go home and say sorry to them now. Bye.

A: Bye.

23. 详细信息


    在你的生活中,肯定有过一次难以忘记的经历,比如参加一场比赛、和朋友的一次争吵、一次单独的旅行等等。这些经历也许是让你高兴的,也许是让你难过的,但相信你从中一定收获良多。请以An unforgettable experience为题写一篇英语短文。




An unforgettable experience