
完形填空。Christmas was coming .A lot of _1__were going to town . They hoped to __2__ some vegetables , fruit and meat in the market .And then they were going to buy some __3_ for their families . A bus came . They tried to  _4_ .Robert ,a strong young man ,rushed in first. He occupied(占) two __5_: one for his girlfriend Mabel and the other for himself.The bus started. Robert had a look  __6_ the bus . He saw a lot of people _7_ there . There were some old men among them. He hurried to __8__his eyes . Mabel found it and thought he felt _9__and asked , “What’s wrong with you ,dear 古诗文积累。① , 凭君传语报平安。②夜发清溪向三峡,。③ , 云从窗里出。④此夜曲中闻折柳,。⑤侧面描写木兰战功显赫的句子是 , 。⑥用夸张,描写木兰矫健的雄姿和行军的迅速的句子 , 。⑦现在却常是忧郁。 , 一切都将会过去;而那过去了的,。
英语 试题推荐