
  Meatballs again?I hate meatballs! Henry cried loudly. I'm not eating this! Henry's mum and dad looked at each other.This was the second time this week that Henry had c1. about his dinner. We're going to let you take over dinnertime.You can pick the food and cook your meals,'Mum said. Good.We're going to eat good food every night! Henry answered. The next day,Henry sat down to write the meal p2.We're going to have chicken tonight,and noodles tomorrow, Henry said. Are we going to have anything e3.besides chicken?We need to have at least one vegetable f1931年11月30日蒋介石发表了演讲词:“攘外必先安内,统一方能御辱,未有国不统一而能取胜于外者。故近日之对外,无论用军事方式解决,或用外交方式解决,皆非先求国内统一,不能为功。”据此推断蒋介石之后的主要行动是(    ) A.发动四一二事变,屠杀人民           B.调动军事力量,抵抗日本 C.围剿革命根据地,进攻红军           D.默认伪满洲国,妥协日本
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