
(  ) 1. Hello, I'm Andy. I'd like to swim in the sea and enjoy the sunlight.   (  ) 2. My name is Peter. I want to climb mountains and go hiking. (  ) 3. I'm Susan. I'd like to visit some museums in England. (  ) 4. Oh, Jack is saying hello to you! I want to see some animals in Beijing. (  ) 5. I'm a lovely girl, Alice. My favorite sport is skiing (滑雪). 选择填空,信息匹配 A. well-known Mount Tai is in the middle part of Shandong province and it's a good place for climbing and hiking.   B. The Beijing Zoo is one of the oldest zoos and has one of the largest anima工业上的许多反应工艺来源于实验室里的简单操作,比如用铝土矿(成分为氧化铝、氧化铁)制取铝的过程如下:请回答下列问题:(1)写出铝土矿中加入NaOH溶液的反应方程式_____________。(2)沉淀C的颜色和一种用途分别为______________________________。(3)操作I、操作II、操作III都用到的玻璃仪器是有_______________。(4)整个生产过程中,除可以循环使用的物质有___________________(任意两种,填化学式)。用此法制取铝的副产品是________(填化学式)。
英语 试题推荐