
请阅读左栏人员的相关信息,然后与他们要参加的俱乐部相匹配。 (   ) 1.Wendy can’t sleep well the night before a big exam. Then she is too tired to do it well . She often makes mistakes . She is worried a lot . (  ) 2. Xiao Fang’s friend invited her to go to his birthday party next Saturday . She is worried because she doesn’t know what to do at the party . (   )3. Nancy is a top student in her class, but she can’t get on well with her classmates because she doesn’t like them to ask her questions on study . (   )4. Li Ping  gets nervous before big 听音能辨人,主要是依据不同人的讲话声具有不同的A.音色B.音调C.响度D.振幅
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