
argue beautiful care far for good heat include special succeed under work Xu Yuanchong is a famous Chinese modern translator. Born in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province in 1921, he studied1 . Qian Zhongshu, Wu Mi and other Chinese masters at The National Southwest Associated University. He went to University of Paris for2 . study after graduating from Tsinghua University. Over the course of a translation career(生涯) lasting more than seventy years, Xu has translated about 120 works, 3 .The Book of Songs ,The Songs of Chu andThe Red and the Black , with a4 . focus on poetry(诗读图,回答问题。(1)珠穆朗玛峰是________山脉的主峰。图中A是________自治区。 (2)图中铁路线是________铁路,主要经过的地形区是“世界屋脊”之称的_______高原。 (3)图示区域显著的自然特征是________,农业生产以________(畜牧业/种植业)为主。
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