
读中国民族图回答下列问题。 ⑴图中我国少数民族自治区的简称: A、          B、          C、         D、          E、          ⑵哈萨克族主要分布在       自治区的北部。 ⑶中国少数民族中分布最广的民族是          。主要信仰          教,该宗教发源于           ,其教徒被称为          。 ⑷下列民族名称与所在省连线正确的是(    ) A.朝鲜族——吉林省    B.傣族——台湾省 C.黎族—看图完成短文所缺单词。     Look at the (1) ______. It's very nice. It's a picture (2) ______ Li Lei's (3) ______. I can see a (4) ______ and a (5) ______ in the room. Li Lei's shoes are (6) ______ the bed. There is a (7) ______under the desk. (8) ______ the desk, I can see some (9) ______. There is a window and a door (10) ______ the wall Behind the door, I can see a broom.
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