
In a digital age, we almost never write things by hand. However, many studies have shown that this act has many benefits(益处) . New brain research, led by researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, announces the same: choosing handwriting over using a keyboard results in better learning and memory. “When you write your shopping list or notes by hand, you simply remember things better after some time,” said Audrey van der Meer, author of the study. The study was done using equipment to track and record brain wave activity. 12 young adults and 12 children took橡胶棒与毛皮摩擦后,橡胶棒带负电荷,这是因为摩擦使橡胶棒( )A.失去一些电子 B.得到一些电子C.失去一些质子 D.得到一些质子
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