
任务型阅读。 Running Running is good for people with too much fat because it can help them become slim(苗条).It also makes people strong. But it may be bad for joints(关节).If we don’t feel good in our joints, we should stop for another activity. Walking Walking makes our bodies relax. It can also help people to be slim. Swimming Swimming is a great way to make different places of your body strong. But it is not a good way to keep slim. The water in a swimming pool is cooler than our body. The body protects(保护)itself from the cold by keeping fat. Cycling Riding a bike阅读下面一段文字,简要概括该实验得出的结论。(不超过26字)(3分)发展心理学研究中有一个经典的实验,被称为“迟延满足”实验。实验者发给4岁被试儿童每人一块好吃的软糖,同时告诉孩子们:如果马上吃,只能吃一块;如果等20分钟后再吃,可以吃两块。有的孩子急不可待,把软糖马上吃掉了;而另一些孩子通过克制自己的欲望,迟延满足而吃到了两块软糖。研究人员进行了跟踪观察,发现那些吃到两块软糖的孩子,长大工作后,表现出较强的适应性。自信心和独立自主精神,事业上更容易获得成功;而那些经不住软糖诱惑只吃到一块软糖的孩子则往往屈服于压力而逃避挑战。
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