
听下面一段对话, 回答第26至30题。 M:What can I do for you? W:I'd like to buy a shirt for my sister. M:What colour does she like? W:Red M:All right. What size does she take? W:Large M:What about this one? W:May I try it on? M:Certainly. W:Look at the price. It's 200 yuan. That's too much. M:But wait a minute! There's a sale on today. Everything is half price. W:OK! Ill take it 26. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a museum.                         B. In a post office.                      C In结合下图,回答下列各题。1.关于A河流的描述正确的是A、该河流域范围内降水量大,流量大B、该河位于巴基斯坦境内,是南亚最大的河流C、该河流被印度人民称为“圣河”D、该河下游段,河床比降小,河道宽阔,流速缓慢2.关于图中C地区降水量的分布及原因的分析正确的是A、等降水量线分布密集,降水差异小B、降水量由东南向西北递减C、该地的降水主要是由东南季风带来的D、该地的降水主要是锋面雨3.有些年份的7、8月A处河段会发生大面积洪涝灾害,其分析不正确的是A、夏季风势力强,A处的降水量大B、7、8月份高山冰雪融水量大C、A处湖泊少,调节作用弱D、A处以平原为主,地势低洼
英语 试题推荐