
在吉祥戏院看戏是一代北京人的美好记忆,梅兰芳、马连良等诸多京剧大师都曾在此演出。近日,被拆除的吉祥戏院获得“重生”,新吉祥戏院既传承了老戏院的经典形象,又采用了不少国际先进的技术设备,将成为国粹艺术传承展示体验基地和多元文化活动平台。新吉祥戏院()A.历久弥“新”,在文化传承和创新中起了决定性作用B.推陈出“新”,符合时代特点和文化发展实践的需要C.返本开“新”,实现了传统文化与单词拼写1. A__________(学术的)studies have proved that one's hard work is the key to success.2. Hearing the noise, they i__________(立即)stopped talking.3. Life was tough for millions of u__________(失业的)workers in cities and peasants in remote areas during the economic depression.4. High-quality radio c__________(录音带)recorders made in China are water-proof, shock-resistant and antimagnetic.5. After heated discussion, we took a group photo as a s__________(纪念品)and then the meeting finished.6. She received an e__________(热烈的)welcome from the audience. 7. A s__________(调查)of 100 winter-swimmers in different age groups indicates that 80 percent originally suffered from diseases of some kind.8. Every bit of Huangshan Mountain s__________(景色)is worth painting.9. I was in the e__________(尴尬的)position of having completely forgotten her name.10. With the changes in the world's climate, dinosaurs died but many smaller animals lived on. It was s_________(生存,幸存)of the fittest.11. In s__________(总结), the two universities have some things in common.12. This palace is an example of early ancient Chinese a__________(建筑)13. I am wrong. S_________(同样地), you are to blame.14. You misunderstood the i__________(要求、说明).15. Students will have to learn English from the 1st grade, while some from the very beginning in the k__________(幼儿园).16. Some young children achieve great f__________(流利)in their reading.17. Many women are too e__________(疲惫不堪的)by their double career (home and office) to enjoy either one.18. The famous Italian traveler Marco Polo was so impressed by the beauty of Hangzhou that he described it as "the most f__________(迷人的)city in the world where one feels that one is in paradise".19. She delivered her speech with a vote of thanks to the c__________(委员会).20. We listened to Philip's d__________(描述)of the wedding.
政治 试题推荐