
We all like honest people, but not all people are honest with us. So it must be great that there is a day to ask 1 to be honest. M. Hirsh Goldberg, a writer, started Honesty Day. He 2 the last day of April as Honesty Day because the first day is April Fool’s Day. Be honest. That’s all you have to do on Honesty Day. On this day, anyone can ask you any question and you should give a 3 answer. Every Honesty Day, Mr. Goldberg gives 4 to honest groups and people to praise their honesty. Mr. Goldberg wrote a book on telling lies. He said 5 everyone tells lies. That is why he set up Honesty 关于“蜻蜓点水”现象的正确解释为(   ) A.蜻蜓在飞翔中饮水的现象          B.蜻蜓通过身体触及水作标记 C.雌性蜻蜓的产卵行为              D.雄性蜻蜓的求偶行为
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