
It was still a long way, especially when a wind was blowing in. Trint reached for his jacket and  21   when he saw the box on the passenger seat. His mother had been   22   him spending Christmas on the road 23   and had given him a box filled with   24   . His mom still  25  him like a kid, though he was a driver now. He reached into the stocking and  26   a toy tractor that looked a lot like his truck. He wondered how many stores his mother had to go before she found such a close match.   27   filled his eyes. He climbed out of his cab (驾驶室) and ran into设m、n是不同的直线,α、β是不同的平面,有以下四个命题:(1)若α⊥β,m∥α,则m⊥β;(2)若α⊥β,m⊥α,则m∥β;(3)若m⊥α,m⊥n,则n∥α; (4)若n⊥α,n⊥β,则β∥α.其中,真命题的个数为(  ) A、1B、2C、3D、4
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