
根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A: Yesterday I read a book. B:   1  A: It’s about a strange travel to Mars. B:   2  A: Of course, we can go there by spaceship. But I don’t believe we can live there. B: Neither do I. Because the gravity on the surface of Mars is not so strong as it is on the earth. We can hardly stand there. A: What’s more,  3  B: And sometimes it’s really very cold. A: But maybe people can spend their holidays there in the future. B:  4  A: About eight months. B: That’s 下列词语中加粗字的读音,全都正确的一组是 [  ] A. 葡萄(t2o) 熏陶(t1o)  稂莠(l2ng) 书声琅琅(l2ng) B. 戈壁(g5)  游弋(y@)  框架(ku4ng) 热泪盈眶(ku4ng) C. 漂洗(pi1o) 漂浮(pi1o) 滂沱(p1ng) 气势磅礴(p2ng) D. 恶劣(8)   噩耗(8)   粘连(ni1n) 拈轻怕重(ni1n)
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