
用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。 without neither she tooth comfortable 1. Katy always keeps the secrets to _________, even her best friends don’t know them. 2. My grandparents enjoy living in the countryside, because they think the life there is _________ than living in the city. 3. During the special period, the shoppers can’t enter the shopping mall _________ showing workers their health QR code. 4. The dentist advised us to brush the _________ twice a day to protect the surface of them. 5. I love Wenzhou, especially its weather. It is英国资产阶级革命中,下列事件按发生的先后顺序排列,正确的是(  )①处死查理一世②詹姆士二世继位③光荣革命(宫廷政变)④克伦威尔执政A. ①②③④ B. ④③②① C. ③②①④ D. ①④②③
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