
Whether from news reports or social media articles, you may know that 5G is coming. 5G is the 5th generation network. It is a new network(网络)after 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G and it can connect everyone and everything together. 5G networks will cover/many cities in China soon. 5G means super-fast data(数据) speed, One can download a two-hour movie for fewer than 10 seconds, and it is making our hives more and more convenient. 5G will make self-driving cars possible. For safety, self-driving cars need super-fast data transmission(传输)to communicate with their nearby environment. 5G is 如图,在已知的△ABC中,按以下步骤作图:①分别以B,C为圆心,以大于 BC的长为半径作弧,两弧相交于点M、N;②作直线MN交AB于点D,连接CD,若CD=AD,∠B=20°,则下列结论中错误的是( )A.∠CAD=40°B.∠ACD=70°C.点D为△ABC的外心D.∠ACB=90°
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