
假定你是李华,下周你校将组织去郊外游玩一天。你班英国交换生 Alan发来如下邮件。请给 Alan 回复一封电子邮件,邮件需包括箭头所指内容。 … Hi! Guess what? My parents said I could go on the day trip into the countryside next week! Our teacher said we could do some walking during the trip or work on a farm, didn’t she? Which would you prefer to do? What do you think we should take with us? Do you want to meet before the trip to talk about it? Alan Great! Say which and why Give suggestions Yes-say when and where注意: 1.词数 90  元朝的行省“凡钱粮、兵甲、屯种、漕运、军国重事,无不领之。”在元代以前中国主要以“山川形便”来划分行政区,行政区的自然属性与经济文化一体化趋势较强,容易产生割据局面。元代采取“犬牙交错”的原则,任意将自然环境差异极大的地区拼成一个省级行政区,削弱地方的经济文化认同感。依据材料分析,元朝的行省制度加强了中央集权,主要是因为              (    )     A.采用了传统的地方分权制度         B.尽量缩小行省的管辖区域     C.依据山川走势划分行省辖区         D.利用山川走势制约地方势力
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