
Studying abroad seems to be a global trend these days. A study suggests that more than two thirds of the students studying abroad     76     (influence) by movies in choosing their universities since the past decade. American movies such as A Beautiful Mind set in Princeton, The Social Network in Harvard, and The Graduate in Berkeley, California are playing     77     important part in attracting foreign students to America. The global     78     (succeed) of the Harry Potter films is considered as a factor in     79     (encourage) overseas students to 以双曲线x2a2-y2b2=1(a>0,b>0)中心O(坐标原点)为圆心,焦矩为直径的圆与双曲线交于M点(第一象限),F1、F2分别为双曲线的左、右焦点,过点M作x轴垂线,垂足恰为OF2的中点,则双曲线的离心率为(  ) A、3-1B、3C、3+1D、2
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