
1. What does the writer mostly want to express in his poster? He calls on(号召 )the readers to ____________ COVID-19. 2. Who created this poster and what was it made as? It was created by a student named ____________ and made as his ____________ 44. Which word means “ 疫苗 ” in the passage? It is ____________. 3. What should countries do according to the student? He thinks countries should ____________. 4. Why did the student choose the WHO’s words for his poster? He wanted to let readers know the ____________ of COVID-19.下列关于单细胞生物体的叙述,错误的是(  )A.单细胞生物虽然微小,但与人类有着密切的关系B.单细胞生物的身体只有一个细胞构成,它不能完成呼吸、消化等生理功能C.单细胞生物个体的营养方式有自养也有异养D.有些单细胞动物能污染水源、危害渔业生产
英语 试题推荐