
Where does the wind come from? What makes the wind move (移动) all the time? Scientists (科学家)tell us that it is the sun that makes it move, and makes it move, and makes it blow. When the sun shines on the earth, it makes the earth hot. Then the earth makes the air hot. When the air becomes hotter, it also becomes lighter. The light air goes up. Cool air comes in to take the place of (代替) the hot air. The hot, light air goes up higher and higher and later it becomes cool. Then it comes down again, and then the earth makes it hot again, and it has to go up. When the air move NaClO和KAl(SO4)2都是重要的化工产品,均可应用于造纸业。 (1)NaClO溶液pH>7,原因是(用离子反应方程式表示)                            。 (2)根据NaClO的性质推测,在纸浆中加入NaClO溶液的目的是                      。 (3)某小组同学用下图所示装置探究饱和NaClO和KAl(SO4)2溶液混合反应的实验。 ① 打开活塞向烧瓶中加入饱和KAl(SO4)2溶液,产生大量的白色胶状沉淀 。反应的离子方程式是                                                       。 ② 将烧瓶中的混合液在阳光照射下,不久烧瓶中有黄绿色气体产生。充分反应后集气瓶中气体能使带余烬的木条复燃。写出在光照下混合液中反应的化学方程式是                                                        。 (4)若将V1 mL  0.1mol/L KAl(SO4)2溶液和V2mL  0.1mol/LBa(OH)2溶液混合。当产生沉淀物质的量最多时,V1:V2 =            。
英语 试题推荐