
阅读理解;阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 Young children don’t have the skills or knowledge to stay safe in heavy traffic. The following tips (忠告) will be helpful for you to keep your children safe in heavy traffic. Children learn about road safety by watching others. As parents, make sure that you always set good examples. Your children will follow you and think it’s OK to do like you. Teach your children to pay attention to traffic lights when you cross the road together with them. This helps them understand when it’s safe to cross. Make 下列词语中,有两个错别字的一项是A.敷衍    舞榭歌台    陨身不恤    俯瞰B.蹊跷    大煞风景    怨天犹人    省悟C.幽咽    快怏不乐    熠熠发光    追溯D.官邸    嘎然而止    焕然冰释    雾霭w.w.w.k.s.5 u.c.o.m
英语 试题推荐