
 Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)Once upon a time there lived a farmer. He earned money by selling the products from his farm. He gave all his money to the poor people. So, the whole village respected him. But he had a big problem in his farm. Whenever he spread seeds (种子) in his farm, the crows (乌鸦) would come and eat them up. He was worried about this trouble as he got less money from his farm.I must do something about the crows. I will be in deep trouble if I do not stop these crows, he thought. He complained about this problem to his friends. They gave h图(a)、(b)两图表示游戏“谁在动”中的两个情景.坐在石块上的小孩先用双手蒙住双眼,后放开手,发现编    和    的小朋友作了机械运动(以地面为参照物).
英语 试题推荐